Chapter 31

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Ethan's POV
It was time. Time to meet Crystal's hero. I looked at her with a smirk. She looked at me confused. Her eyes pleading for an answer. I looked back at Mark and Amy who were checking the cameras, changing some settings for great low light and high light quality. Tyler was just checking audio for the camera he had. A security guy came in a golf cart and told us to get in. I sat next to the man, Crystal was holding my while we were standing there so I sat down and scooted a bit to give her enough to sit down. Mark, Amy, and Tyler went to the back. The guy drove us to what seemed the back of The Forum and there was a line of teenage girls and boys. Somewhat adults.

Crystal's POV
I looked at my landyard, flipping it over and over again, only seeing the Death Of A Bachelor tour cover on it and a barcode right in the middle.

(I don't actually know if they have a barcode or say Meet & Greet or stuff like that, so just bear with me XD)

Ethan looked at me and laughed at how I kept flipping my lanyard over again. We lined up at the back of the line and the rest were just talking to one another so I asked another person what this line before. I felt eyes stare at me from behind. Little did I know it was Ethan and he pulled me to where Tyler was; at the end. The girl I asked was gonna answer me but, she didn't. Ethan whispered to her in her ear and she smiled.

"Dude. You're so sweet! I wish you guys the best!", I heard from her.

I was so fucking curious. What the hell was Ethan hiding from me? Tyler looked down at me amd smiled. I smiled back, it fading away quickly. Ethan came back to get me and bring me with him. The line was getting shorter. Probably this was a way people got in faster to their seats if they were VIP. Yea. I'm pretty sure it is.

"Hey Ethan.", I said looking at Ethan.

"Yea.", Ethan looked at me.

"Is this the line where VIP people get to their seats faster?"

"Yea.", he smiled, wanting to laugh, "It is. Why do you ask?"

"Cause. We're here. Waiting to get in. And its taking forever!"

"Just be patient. I know you can do so, right?"

"Yea. Good thing the shoes I'm wearing have a cushion, or else I'd be telling you to give me a piggy-back ride."

"Can I do that right now?"

"No. Im okay standing."

"No, seriously. I really want to give you a piggy back ride."

"I'm too heavy."

"That's just an excuse. Please?!"

"I'm as heavy as five 40 inch TVs, I swear Ethan."

"Look! Brendon Urie!", he said, making me turn my head to where Ethan pointed which was the front. I searched everywhere. Only seeing Zach telling people to go in. Some went in pair, some just their selves, some even in groups. What an odd order. And every single time Zach told them to go in, the next person or people went in at exactly 3 minutes. Funny. Wait what the fuck?! Ethan picked me up bridal style and he laughed at my reaction.

"You idiota!" (Idiot in Spanish) I yelled at Ethan.

"Your feet hurt.", he said looking at me, "Also. You only weigh like 100 pounds. Thats not much."

"Well, I think it is."

"I can lift 200 lbs.", Tyler chimed in.

"We all know that Tyler," Ethan said.

Mark and Amy were still working on their cameras, finally finishing up. Amy recorded Ethan holding me. He started swaying me side to side like a mother with her lil' baby.

"Hush lil' baby don't say a word, daddy is going to buy you a mockingbird." Ethan said in the most silly/goofy way.

I tossed my head back, laughing, feeling some blood rush to my brain. Yea that wasn't a good feeling cause I immediately started to feel dizzy.

"Bring me down Ethan, its almost our turn to get in.", I said giggling a bit.

"Fine, fine.", he sighed. Once he put me down, he was in back of me, so he wrapped his hands around me, rocking side to side. Amy was still recording, and I just covered my face with my jackets sleeve that was more extensive than my arm.

It was finally our turn to wait a good 3 minutes before entering. Zach saw me and said hi.

"Hey dude. Can I take a quick selfie or picture with you before I enter?", I asked him politely.

"No.", he said.

"Please bro. I know you love saying no to pictures when fans ask you. Come on just a quick one. Please."

"Okay fine.", he said. I posed next to him, signaling Ethan to get in. I took a selfie and Mark took pictures with his camera.

"Thanks meh dude!", I told Zach.

"Welcome. Lemme your guys' passes now.", he said.

We stepped to him and held up our landyards. He scanned them both and before let us in he gave us rules for some reason.

"Please don't harm Brendon or the band in any way or we love you guys and we don't want to stop doing meet & greets just because of someone's stupidity and drama. You guys can take pictures but take in mind you only have 3 minutes to say what you have to say. Now. Go ahead and say "Zach is quiting" to Brendon." Zach told us. Signaling us in.

I was in a deep shock. I walked even though I didn't want to. Ethan looked at me, smiling. I slightly had my mouth open. My eyes were getting teary. Amy was still recording. Mark started to take pictures. Tyler followed us right behind like a security guard. I saw Brendon and the rest of the band talking to one another. Once I was at least 3 feet away from Brendon. I collapsed. The last thing I heard was Brendon's voice saying, "Hi."

(Yes, another ducking cliffhanger! Do you guys actually think this happened to Crystal? Would the same happen to you if you met Panic! At The Disco? Okay guys. Love you all! Stay Cranky! Bai! Pew!!!!)

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