Chapter 33

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Ethan's POV
I knew once the time came for me to propose for Crystal, she would probably be shocked. I know I've known her for only a week, but in that week, she showed who she was. She was kind of picky, had some anxiety attacks, and she told me she suffered of bipolar disorder. I could deal with that. Its not a problem for me. I have ADHD so, I can kind of relate to Crystal. She loves Starbucks, her favorite drink coming from there. Large Sweetened Passion Tango Tea Lemonade. Favorite food? Medium-rare steak. Favorite dessert? Well. Its either cake or crepes. Favorite band? Yea, that's soooo hard. Panic! At The Disco. Favorite TV show? I don't know that yet. Favorite YouTuber? I'm upset its not me. Its this other dude. <---(Its disappointing how sarcasm can't be shown through text). The list literally goes on. I know so much about her that what I don't know about her can be converted into freaking percentage. 20%. She's those types of girls who isn't afraid to show people who she is. I like that. She's always so nice. What happened earlier can prove it so well. Agh! There's just so much! So many positive things I can say about her. She's always mostly positive. She stopped being suicidal once she came out of high school, she told me. Now, she's trying to help others to not commit the same common mistakes she did on YouTube. She started YouTube once she was a Sophomore in high school. Gained 1 million subscribers in 2 years. She really is helping a lot of people. I sighed to thought on how if something ever happened to Crystal, I would die.

"Ethan! Ethan!", Crystal yelled me into reality. "Its 7pm, show's about to start!", she said  already standing up, fan girling, smiling ear to ear.

"Oh fuck, I didn't notice the place went dark, to busy day dreaming.", I replied.

"I'm soooo excited.", Crystal said, looking at the stage, her hands in a prayer position, but her phone was in between.

"I'm legit gonna yell my lungs out once I hear the first song play.", Ronalin said, hugging Crystal. Crystal hugged her back.

All the lights went off. Little did I know the girls Crystal gave the tickets to, were a few seats next us. They looked at us ever so happy. Crystal waved, feeling the same way at them. Suddenly the big screens on stage lit up. Pete electrocutes Brendon. I alread saw that. But seeing it in person was crazy. Crystal and Ronalin were screaming like every fan was doing in here. After Brendon's suffering, the lights went off again. I saw shadows walk on stage and take position. Then, the beginning of 'Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time' started playing. Lights slowly turned on. Tears in Ronalin and Crystal's eyes, started gathering.

"Alright, alright....", Brendon sung, entering the stage, the lights booming on, "Alright, alright, its a hell of a feeling though, its a hell of a feeling though, alright, alright, its a hell of a feeling though, its a hell of a feeling though...." Everyone, including I jumped or danced to the beat. Ronalin and Crystal's tears disappeared. Adrenaline rushed through them and all of us. Nate was enjoying the show. I looked back at Mark and Amy, and they were enjoying it too. I looked at Tyler and his face showed a big smile. Amy wasn't recording. I would give them a signal when to with my phone flashlight. Yea, cheeky. We enjoyed the songs ever so great. And then, came the moment. This Is Gospel. Me and Crystal were escorted close to where Brendon was going to play the piano and sing. Crystal was very happy. As soon as we got there, Crystal looked at me.

"What's going on?", she asked.

Brendon heard her and said, "Happy fucken 1 week anniversary to Crystal and Ethan."

Crystal put her hand over her mouth. The fans cheered. Brendon started playing 'This Is Gospel'. They allowed Amy, Mark, and Tyler to come since they were gonna capture the moment. When the chorus came, I did what I had to do. Get on one knee. Get the super tiny, adorable box, opening it. And look up to Crystal.

"Will you?", I asked.

(Take in mind this is a fic.)

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