Chapter 22

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As Marisol and I entered the house, the goons still stould very still. They were kinda scary to be honest. Nate and Ronalin were at the dining table eating pizza and talking about different songs that Nate should do a cover of. Then I heard Ronalin mention P!ATD.

"Another Panic! cover, Nate?", I said, walking in there conversation.

"Well, that's what I think in doing right now. But then I want to do Fall Out Boy. I'm just telling Rona if she would like to choose for me.", said Nate.

"Oh. Cool. So, Rona, what you gonna be pick? Panic! or FOB?", I asked Ronalin.

"Well. Marisol. Help me, please?", said Rona.

"Wha-what now?", Marisol said turning around. She was talking to her goons.

"Help me choose between Panic and Fall Out Boy.", Ronalin said.

"Uhhh. I don't know. Nate can sing Panic! very well including Fall Out Boy. Hm," Marisol said, puffing more smoke. "Sing Fall Out, Nate. You have done more Panic! than Fall Out. Let equality rise."

"What is that supposed to mean?", I asked Marisol.

"I don't know," she said shrugging, "just came out of mouth."

I smirked, covering my mouth with my hand made into a fist.

"What?", Marisol looked at me and Ronalin. "Oh, you dirty bastards!", Marisol puffed mor smoke. Her cigar went out.

"I'm sorry!", I said laughing.

"Mkay, so. Its Fall Out. Now, which song?", said Nate.

"You choose that Nate. Your voice and choice.", I replied.

"Okay then. Rona?", Nate looked over to Ronalin, which was eating pizza and on her phone.

"Um, I don't know. I have to go call Mario. He says he's coming to L.A. next week.", Ronalin said.

"Why next week? I barely enter USC next week. I'm not gonna have time.", I whined.

"We'll figure out a way. Hey, don't you have school off weekends, cause if you don't, let's go to USC right now.", Marisol exclaimed.

"I do have weekends off but, studying? Surveys? Meetings?", I replied, looking at the floor, my back leaning against the wall.

"I'm sure you have nothing of that.", Marisol said, lighting another cigar. Rona went upstairs.

"Well. Is Ethan coming?", Nate asked.

"Yep. He is. With Mark and the rest.", I replied, looking up to Nate. Nate got up from the table, pushing in his chair, standing behind it.

"What time are they coming?", Nate said.

"Like in 30 minutes or so.", I said.

"I better shower then.", Nate replied, running his fingers through his hair.

"Go ahead. This is your temporary home," Marisol bumped in.

"Thanks.", Nate replied. Going upstairs.

Me and Marisol stood still for a few seconds. She later then put her cigar out. Going to a room to the left of the main entrance. It was the liquor room. She brought out Jameson Irish Whiskey, and Stella Rose No. 5 wine. Oh that women will never get old.

"The Stella for you and the Jameson for me, lad.", she said handing the bottle of Stella to me. I held it with both hands, looking at it. Admiring how perfectly pink it was. How it was one of the finest wines made in Italy.

"Stop daydreaming and drink with me." She said, yelling my thoughts away, also heading to a cupboard of wine and shot glasses. She headed up to me with the wine glass, giving it to me. She set her whiskey and shot glass on the table, opening Jameson. She took a shot. I opened my bottle, looking at her taking minute breaks between shots. I set the wine glass aside. Drinking out of the bottle. Marisol saw me drinking out of the bottle, she smirked. The chugging competition was on! We chugged, Marisol won. Of course she did, she had a big head start. I heard the doorbell ring. Pretty sure it's Ethan.

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