Chapter 24

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First and foremost, I want to thank you guys for 290+ freaken reads! I love y'all so much, I really hope this story isn't getting boring or anything. Love y'all ♡♡♡♡

Marisol went in the kitchen to help me with dinner. She was kinda red. She layed her hands on her face rubbing it.

"You okay?", I asked

"Yea. I'm fine.", she said, like always.

"No you're not Mari! I've known you ever since the 8th, and when you say you're fine, you're actually not! What's up?"

"Nothing dammit!"

"Okay, okay. Chill. I was just asking."

"I'm sorry." Marisol hugs me. "Its just that." Marisol starts whispering in my ear, "Its Mark. I think. I think. I still like him."

"Wait. What?! Dude."

"Lower that voice of yours!"

I lower my voice, "Okay, okay. But what about Tsuko?"

"Crystal. I love Tsuko. He's my boyfriend. I have mixed feelings right now, so I don't know what I may think of Mark tomorrow."

"Oh my lord Mari. Amy's in the way though-"

"Let Mark and Amy be, kay? They're more than happy together. Don't want my heart breaking them apart."

"Awww. Mari. ", I hug Marisol. "Well, now that you're here, taste the enchiladas I made. *prepares some enchiladas for Marisol, handing her fork and knife*

Marisol tastes it, "Good enough.", Marisol said.

"Good enough? Be more explicit.", I kind of exclaimed.

"Well. I don't really want to be judgemental, but, it needs a little more spice. Where you leave the California chile at?"

"Right there next to the sink. Take out the stem, and seeds, then place it in the blender with about half a cup of water."


"Also, do you have anything to make sushi?"

"Why?", says Marisol, taking out the seeds of the chile.

"Ethan can't eat like anything of this, mainly the majority of Mexican food, but he can eat sushi, he also love it if you didn't know."

"Uh. I don't think I do. Why don't you just order some sushi. Do you know what kind he likes?"

"Ah. Nope. I guess I'll order my favorite and what the restaurant recommends?"

"Works.", Marisol says placing the chile in the blender. *30 seconds later* "Here. All blended up."

"Thanks.", I say, placing it in the rest of the enchilada sauce. I started preparing all the enchiladas and placing them in a pot, without the chile, so the tortilla won't get soggy and break apart. That leaves the people at the table having the choice of putting enchilada sauce or not.

"Need anymore help, with anything?", said Marisol smacking imaginary dust off her hands.

"I did the white rice, prepared everything for the enchiladas, mind if you get the bottles of wine and Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider (#NotSponsered) from the wine fridge?"

"Nope.", Marisol heads to the fridge, seeing Jack Daniels, Jameson, and Bulliet bourbon in it. "Hey! You chilled my loves too!", she got her favorite bottles, looking at them in admiration.

"Yep! Okay. I need to call this sushi place, rated 4.5 stars. Be right back, kay kay?"

"Take your time."

I call the sushi place. Ordering 2 dozens of their recommended and most highly rated sushi.

"Mkay, sushi's on its way.", I say to Marisol, hanging up.

"Want to start getting the plates, placing everything on the table?", said Marisol

"I guess.", I replied.

I got the plates and Marisol the pots. We went into the dining room where everbody now was talking and laughing and had already taken a seat.

"FOOD'S HERE!", said Tyler.

"Sure it is!", I said back.

"Drinks are coming right now. Be patient.", Marisol said.

"I'll get that and the enchilada toppings right now.", I said, going back to the kitchen.

"Ooooh, enchiladas.", Ronalin said.

I come back with the bottles of wine and sparkling cider.

"One bottle is for Mark, okay guys?", I told everybody.

"Oh yea. I almost forgot he can't drink.", said Marisol.

"Yea. Can easily get poisoned by it. His body doesn't really break alcohol down very good as of others.", said Amy.

Marisol looked at Amy like of she didn't know and wanting to hear more. I knew she knew Mark's cause of why not being able to drink.

"Um. Ethan. Just to be very careful and stuff, I ordered you some sushi, cause, I researched that you can't the majority of Asian, African, and Mexican foods. Sushi is also your favorite if I'm not wrong.", I told him, bending down.

"Oh. Okay. It would've actually been better if you did the sushi.", He said looking at me with a smile.

"Well Mari didn't have anything at all to make the sushi, and I can't go out by myself to buy the things, so ordering was the best thing to do."

"Well. Its okay anyways. I love sushi! Any type actually, so don't worry if you ordered somethinf random cause I'm pretty sure I'll gobble it up.", he laughed.

I laughed back, "Okay.", I said standing back up, "Sushi should be here any minute now, kay kay?", patting my hand on his back.

"Kay kay.", he replied.

I left to the kitchen. Taking a little break from people. I thought of Ethan. The day of our wedding. Brendon Urie on the side singing and playing the piano to 'The End Of All Things'. Both our twin girls throwing pink rose pedals on the path I would take to the altar. I would have my mother Sarah take me up there. And once with Ethan, try not to cry. Our family and friends would be there. Ronalin, Marisol, Mario, Jocelyn, and many more of my personal friends would be smiling, Marisol probably screaming, "I told you Crystal. I told you that Ethan and you were going to marry each other!"
After that, we would say 'yes' to scariest question in marriage (i dont know what people say, I forgot) and kiss.
The after party would be-.

"Crystal! Crystal!", Marisol snapped me out of my daydream. "Sushi's here! Go get it."

"Oh, uh. Okay.", I went up to the front door, getting the bag that contained sushi, asking the guy if the sushi contained peanuts, him saying no. I payed for the food and went into the kitchen, placing the sushi in a plate; gathering chop sticks for Ethan.
Can't wait til' that day I always doubted and still doubt.
The day of my marriage with Ethan.

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