Chapter 3

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Ethan! Wha-what the heck?! What is he doing here? I try to keep calm, but my face, I feel it, is hot red.
"Uh-um, okay." Hell wih you Crystal, stop stuttering!
"You okay? ", says Ethan.
"Y-yea, just that I forgot my sweater in my truck. Ima get it real fast. ", I smile, he grins. Hell, hell, hell! I go up to my truck opening the right rear door. I grab my Pink sweater and some tools. I close the door, walking back to Ethan.
"Oh, um, I already have tools, " says Ethan.
"No, its okay. Lemme just check this sucker out."
I check the oil. Fine. The water. Good. I check everything else except for the battery. I test the battery a way my dad taught me. Battery is no good. Ethan stands there, looking at what I'm doing.
"So, um, battery is no good no more. You're going to have to buy a new one. And you're lucky there's an Auto Zone here."
"Well, okay, how much you think the battery may cost? "
"Bout easily 60 to 80, depends to be honest. The quality, the brand.... "
"Yea, yea. Well, um, I'll go with you to Auto Zone, cause I want you to pick out the battery. Since it looks like you know about cars more than I.", he chuckles. I giggle.
"No, no, I wish I knew more about cars. But, I'll join you no problem." I'm actually controlling myself, the fuck? Woah.
"Okay, um, just let me tell my friends. "
"Yep.... "
Ethan opens rear left door, he talks to someone, I hear a deep voice that's very clear. Mark? Uh, um, I'm itching to know if its him! I here the man's giggle. Its is Mark! Gosh dangit. I knew it. Okay, calm down, calm down, Ethan is coming back.
"Okay. We can go now, " he says.
We walk to Auto Zone. Chatting about our life. Laughing once or twice. We arrive at Auto Zone, him opening the door for me. I knew he would a gentleman. We take a while to choose and explaining what brands are best. We buy the battery we need.
"Oh gosh dang, this is heavy!, Ethan says.
"Lets um, get something that has wheels. Well, I'm stupid. You know what, we help one another. You carry it, and I do also, kay? "
We walk out Auto Zone, at the exact same time thanking them for their time.
We get to the car in 3 minutes. I remove the old battery carefully. Making sure I don't damage the cables. I put in the the new one, and place the wires on the new battery. I tell Ethan to start the car. He starts it, the car starting fully.
Ethan comes back out.
"Thank you. I don't know how to repay you."
A kiss my head says. No, a hug. A kiss, a hug, a kiss, a hug. Stop!
"No, it was my pleasure to help, kay? "
"Wait, you like candy I-"
Mark comes out with his gray cardigan.
"Accept at least this.", he sticks out his arm. Its a Tiny Box Tim!
"Tiny box Tim! "
"Wait, you know wha-, " Ethan says, shocked.
"Everyone knows Markiplier, everyone also knows that you're one of his friends, including Tyler, Wade, Bob, Jack, Felix, and so on so forth! "
Ethan looks at the ground, "Wait here! " He goes to the car, opening the right rear door.
"So you accepting Tim? ", Mark asks.
" Why wouldn't I? But, eh, Tim belongs to you, not me. A fan probably wasted so much of their valeuab-"
"Nope, this Tiny Box Tim is one of the so many Tim's we were selling for charity. Do you know what I'm talking about? "
"Yea, yea. I do. Well, thank you! Mind if we take a pic? " I take my phone out.
"No problemo! "
Me and Mark take a selfie with Ethan photobombing. I share it with Mark and Ethan.
"Hey um, Crystal? Right?", says Ethan.
"Yep, ye got it? What's up? "
"Here." He takes out a Crankgameplays hoodie, wihich is signed.
"You didn't have to, I mean, I barely even fixed anything."
"Accept it please? "
"Okay fine." I take it. We talk for a while, laughing and all.
"Well, it was such an honor to mee-
"Since when does it become an honor to meet us?", Mark asks?
"Since forever Mark. As I was saying, it was so cool meeting you guys in person! "
"You have a phone number? ", Ethan asks.
"Ye-ah, why? "
"I'll give you mine, you give me yours. I have an idea for a video."
"Okay, here you go."
I give him my phone number. Mark heads back to the car, going inside. Thanking me like 2 times.
"Okay, " says Ethan. "See you sooner or later.
"I don't doubt we'll see each other again."
"Well. You gotta go, I gotta go, so bye for now."
We hug. Hugs. Ah, hugs.
"Yep. "
"Okay," he walks towards the car, "Good luck in school.
"Thanks. "
He backs up, turning, and going. I start my truck. I missed a call? Oh yeah Marybell. Oh well. I back up, turning, and going. Here I come L.A. Here, I, Come.

Love You Til I Cant BreatheOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora