Chapter 16

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"HELP!", I cried, "HELP!"
My parents were on the phone. Brendon and Sarah were their names.
"Where are you?!", my dad asked.
"I've been-", the guy cut the call.
My mom with her hands on her head, walking around. Now one hand on her mouth.
My pops just slamming his phone on the ground.
"Fuck you til the death and beyond!", I told the guy.
The guy slapped me.
"You haven't told Marisol and the rest! Until then, I will let you go, understand?! I. want. my. fucken. dough!", the guy said.
He made a scar on my chest. Almost cutting me open in half. I felt the blood go down my sides. Tears rolled down my face.
The guy slapped me again.
"Shut up!", he said.
I shut up. I heard the phone ring. The guy answered it.
"Ye want to see your daughter aliv-"
"DAD!!!", I yelled.
"Then tell her to shut up for now on, until I give her fucken permission to talk!"
"Crystal I know you don't want to die. Just obey him. I think that's the best thing to do right now.", dad said.
"No! Don't obey him! Don't obey him when he wants to take advantage of you!", mom said.
"I ask for my million or nothing!"
"Okay, okay. Just 2 more days. I still haven't found Marisol. But I think I found Ronalin and Mario.", my dad said. "Just please, I'll give you one million extra if you don't hurt my life, Crystal."
"Good, good. I won't. My word. The word of a Mafia boss never fails." the guy said.
He's a Mafia boss. He wants to kill Marisol.
No. Never.
"Dad. Don't get the money for him. Let him kill me. I know he wants to killMarisol, the rest, and probably even me."
"No. That won't happen!", my dad said.
"2 more days okay? Bye.", He cut the call.
"You have 2 more days Crystal. 2 more. Or you're lone gone. I want Marisol and my money, okay?"
I woke up. On the floor. Sweat on my forehead. I felt dehydrated. I got up and collapsed. I got up again grabbing a water bottle from the little fridge. I drank the whole thing ever so fast. I then grabbed my phone and called Ronalin.
"Hello?! "
"Rona. Call Marisol. And come to LA. I've this reoccurring dream telling me that I only have a limited time of days until I'm lone gone."
"Um, okay. You do know dreams aren't real, right?", Rona said.
"Rona, this has been going on for two damn weeks! The dream feels so real! Just call Marisol dammit!"
"I can't."
"Why the fuck not? I only have two days right now."
"She's in Italy doing her Mafia buisness."
"Oh hell!"
"Yep. Well I don't know if- She just texted me. She's here."
"Well text her. Tell her! I don't wanna die! I don't want anybody to die. The guy in my dream keeps telling me he wants his dough. By dough he means money."
"Yea, I know. Well I'll text her. You just try to be calm and, um, yea."
"Kay. Too, I met Ethan and we did it twice, and we went out on a date."
"Wait, what now?! "
I hung up. Rona called. I didn't answer.
Today started out bad. I need some coffee.
Heh, I remembered that vine of me "pops".
"I'm having my coffee baby, if I don't have some, it'll drive me crazy, " or something like that.

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