+-+ Thirteen +-+

139 3 0

tw: talk of Danny's sad past


Kevin is driving while Suzy is in the passenger seat, myself in the back. I stare out the window, holding the blanket tightly around me.

"Patty. We're here." Suzy says, getting out of the car.

Unbuckling, I take the blanket inside the hospital with me. The need of comfort great but not enough to beg for hugs from the Grumps. I barely know them.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Arin asks for like the thousandth time.

"Yes. I'm fucking peachy." I say back pulling at my fingers, the knuckles popping slightly.

Arin is finally quiet, everyone is quiet at this point. Trying to keep themselves fromgetting yelled at as well.

"Where are you from?" Barry asks, slightly nervous.

"Born in New York but was raised in the same city as Danny. We were to high school together and we're college roommates." I say, "I was also his drug dealer."

"Is Danny still smoking?" Arin asked and I said no, it wasn't my news to tell them.

"That's good. Do you want to explain what happened- well with the bandage I mean." Arin asks, slightly moving away from me.

"It is like- it's not a good story to tell but as his friends I feel like you should know." I pull my legs under me and wrap myself tighter in the blanket.

"Let's go back a little bit actually- Dan had a panic attack at work and called me when he got home. That was about a month or so ago- he was begging me to come out and see him because he couldn't handle the silent apartment. I told him to make room because I was coming over to live with him. I quit my job, sold the apartment, and flew out to California." I pause for a minute so they can gather information before I go on.

"Danny picks me up from the airport mid-day yesterday and we go back to our apartment. I go shower because planes are gross and he gets a phone call from his mom. I didn't know until later on what it was about- but she was calling to say Avi passed away from a heart attack. We stayed up and he showed me the first Lord of The Rings and then we went to bed. I woke up kinda early, like midnight, and noticed he was gone."

"I call Suzy, from his wish, who is immediately on her way while I wait outside the bathroom door. Suzy unlocks the door, where he had locked himself for three hours. Throwing up and crying- and self harming that's why the arm was covered." I stop, because it's all I knew.

"How long has he been self harming?" Ross asked and I bit my bottom lip, they should know the truth.

"Since senior year in high school. He stopped in college for a while because he found drugs but once he moved to California I'm assuming he started again." I say, "Avi and I got him to stop previously but now that Avi is gone. I don't know if he sees the need to stop."

My chest was hurting at the point, from crying, talking, or the heart break. I needed to know that Danny was okay and would survive through this.

((Good day loves! I'm sorry this story is seriously going down hill but I promise it will go back up.
Remember to love yourself! -Kells))

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