+-+ Patty Mini-Introduction +-+

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Patty, full name being Patrick Lee Hamilton, is loosely based on my best friend and one of my favourite YouTubers.

My best friend comes into play with his personality. Patty tries to keep himself distant when you are in a friendship but the minute you declare a relationship it's all in. Patty loves to be loved and taken care of, but also loves taking care of people.

Patty is a basically a whore for attention, if he isn't constantly with his other half his gets really upset. Very needy and loving to be touched in any way possible.

The stoner aspect comes from my favourite YouTuber DrewIsSharing. Drew is the kind of person who just goes. If he wants to go to London for the day- he does it. There's no hesitation and I feel like that's an amazing thing to have in a relationship.

Patty is two years younger than Danny, making him 35. He dropped out of college his Junior year, his depression getting stronger after Danny graduated the year previously. He couldn't see himself graduating if he didn't have Danny by his side- and he was on the other side of the country.

Patty has multiple tattoos which will be mentioned when they make sense in the story.

His has a hair cut almost identical to the YouTuber Markiplier, shaved down on the sides with a lot on the top. Instead of it being the red, blue, pink, or brown of Marks, it is a neon green. A subtle hint of him being a stoner and because his favourite colour is green.

((Any questions about Patty I will answer if you leave them. I'm very good with keeping up with my comments.
Love yourself! Give yourself a hug!
-Kells ❤️ ))

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