Let's Get Out of Here

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I wake up to yet another rainy gloomy day. Living in Seattle it feels like there are just never enough nice ones. I roll over to kiss Christian good morning only to see he's not even there. I hear a muffled voice coming through the slightly cracked bedroom door.

"Looks like she just woke up Mom. Let me tell her and I'll call you back in a few minutes." Christian smiles at me while holding Teddy in his arms.

"Good morning Mommy! Did you sleep well?"

"I always do with you Daddy!" 

"Good because Mom just called and she has a wonderful idea in mind for all of us. You know you, me, Teddy, the whole family! Even Kate and Elliott."

"Well don't keep me in suspense Christian, tell me!

"Ok ok. Mom has a physicians medical seminar in Corpus Christi, and she thought that it would be nice if all of us could come down there with her for a mini vacation. If anything it gets us away from this depressing weather. She says the weather is beautiful there. Blue skies, sunshine, and 95 degrees!"

"Sounds amazing! Let's get packing and out of here!"

I jump up, place a gentle kiss on Teddy's head and a not so gentle one on Christian's lips then head into the bathroom. Christian takes Teddy to Gail so he can start getting ready himself. After I shower and quickily get dressed, I make a call to my office to let Hannah know what's up. She's been great at taking care of things while I was on maternity leave. After settling things, I head into the bedroom. 

As I start packing, it dawns on me that we'll probably be going down to the beach. And I only have two piece bikinis to wear. It's been 4 months since I had Teddy, but I'm not all that secure about showing my stomach yet....much less my c-section scar.

"Christian, what time are we leaving?"

"Umm... Mom said she has to check in by 4pm. Texas is 2 hours ahead of us, so I figure we need to leave by 10am." He says as he looks at his watch. "Why? Are you not feeling ok?"

"It's not that, it's just that I need to buy a new swimsuit." I frown as I hold the tiny bottoms of my old one.

Christian, sensing my reasoning, comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my body. 

"Ana.... You are beautiful! You will always be the most beautiful and sexiest woman I've ever seen. We just had a baby. But I understand. If you want a new suit, then we will get you a new suit. Besides, I think you might want to get a slightly bigger top anyways!" He grins wide as he grabs my breasts.

Thanks to our son, my breasts have become a few sizes larger. Who knew having a baby could make your breasts go from a C to a D! Makes me wonder what will happen when we have more children. Stand back Dolly Parton!!

After packing and grabbing a quick bite to eat and feeding Teddy, we load up in the SUV and head to the airport. While Taylor unloads our bags, Christian carefully takes Teddy in his carrier and proceeds to carry him up the steps onto the plane.

Now you're probably wondering exactly how we are going to have a fun and relaxing vacation with a 4 month old baby. Well....let me explain.

It was about 2 weeks after Teddy was born. Christian and I had just put Teddy back to sleep yet again. It was around 3 in the morning. We slumped down at the counter, completely and totally sleep deprived. Christian said that we can't keep this up and that we needed to hire a nanny. It was the easiest discussion he ever won. 

My only problem was having to deal with an endless stream of women vying for the position of caring for Christian Grey's baby.

Out of the shadows, Gail appeared. She apologized for interupting and overhearing our conversation. She asked if it would be possible for her to care for Teddy.

She said it would not only be an honor, but due to her inability to have a child of her own, it would give her great joy. How could we possibly say no to that. I have to admit having Taylor and Gail around is truly a gift. They are more like family. Plus we trust them with our life!

After we boarded the plane, Christian gently sets the carrier down in one of the large plane seats, and Gail immediately begins to fasten him in. 
"Here Gail, I can do that."

"Nonsense Ana. You go sit down next to your husband and relax. You are a wonderful, caring and devoted mom to this little guy. But sweetie you need some time with your man. Now go enjoy a little freedom."

It has been awhile since the two of us just sat alone together without a baby monitor close by. As I take my husband's hand in mine, my mind starts drifting to all the fun times we've had on this plane.

I lean towards Christian and softly whisper in his ear, "Any chance we can sneak off for a little fun during the flight?"

Christian's eyebrows shoot up and a great big smile spreads across his face! 

"Oh baby you read my mind!"
A few moments later the rest of the family arrives. 

"Dare I even ask what you two are grinning about?" Kate smirks.
"Nope!" Christian and I giggle in unison. Kate shakes her head and rolls her eyes while smiling at the two of us.

"Uh she just rolled her eyes! Can I have her spankings for that?" I whisper to Christian.
"Feeling a bit naughty are we?" He grins back as he takes my hand and places it flat over his pants pocket. What in the world am I feeling? Then it dawns on me....the silver balls! He brought the silver balls!

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