Game On

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Please vote and comment if you like this. It's my first time writing fanfic. I hope you all like it. A big thank you to those of you who have voted!


"Christian!!" Elliott screams out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Ana. I would never intentionally hurt her. Especially after all that she has been through over the past year or so. Please.... believe me! I'm so so sorry!"

Elliott's eyes start to well. He looks completely frightened of me. The fury and anger begin to subside deep within me. My brother is not the enemy. Down deep I love my brother. Only one thing to do now. Walk away.

I release my grip on his shoulders, stand up straight, lightly slap his upper arm, and half smile. As I'm about to walk away, I stop for a moment, and without turning to face him, I softly say, "Thanks Lelliott."

Heading back to our room, I feel proud of myself. I controlled my temper. I didn't beat my brother to a bloody pulp like when we were kids. I believed him.

Opening the door to our room I see Ana propped up on the couch.

"Hi! Where have you been?" She ask curiously. "Elliott came by to check on me....Oh and he was looking for you too."

"Yeah, I just saw him. He said he was sorry and didn't mean for you to get hurt."

"And.....?" She says looking as if to say drop the other shoe.

"And nothing. I believe him."

She's now starring at me with her mouth on the floor. I guess she figured I'd lose my temper, kill Elliott, and be looking for a place to stash the body.

"I even thanked him."

"Who are you and what have you done with Christian?"

"I'm right here Ana. Call it turning the other cheek."

"Wow! I'm impressed. Of course if you had beaten up your brother your mom probably would of popped that cheek too." She giggles.

"I'm a fast learner. One spanking from Mom was enough!"


I can't believe what just happened. Christian thanked me. No punching my lights out... or anything.

Not wasting a second more, I change and head back down to Kate.

As I make my way back to our chairs, I see Kate is gone from her beach towel. Mom and Mia are gone too. "Their bags, towels and drinks are still here. Where is everyone?" I think to myself.

I then hear a very familiar high pitch squeal and giggling. Looking 30 yards down the beach I spot Mia and Kate. They're playing volleyball with a group of testosterone jockstraps. What the hell?! She won't play around with me, but them she will? I pull my phone out of my pocket and call up Christian.

"Hey Elliott." He answers immediately.

"Hey bro. I just got down here to get our stuff and found Kate and Mia playing volleyball with some neanderthal locals. How would you like to come down in case there's some grappling?"

"How many of them are there?" Christian questions intrigued.

"Looks like 6."


"And I just saw one of them adjust Mia's swimsuit top!" That should get him. Someone touching our little sister always sets him off.

"I'm on my way. Don't start without me."

"YES!" I mentally cheer. Now it begins.

"KATE!" I call out.

She sees me and waves back. Seriously, if she's trying to make me jealous....It's working!

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