Time Flies When You're Having Fun

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(Ana's POV)

I guess I should catch you up on what's been going on here lately.

For nearly a month after the initial news report, all the news shows seem to want to talk about is Elena this, and Elena that. It became so bad that Christian, as well as the rest of the family, didn't even want the television on.

The press, of course, began hounding all of us every chance they got, wanting to know how we felt about Elena being attacked.

With my hormones raging the way they are, a part of me wanted to tell them exactly how I felt. But that probably wouldn't be a good idea.

Thankfully with Christian and I going to work together, he's been able to keep the nosey ass, 'Mrs. Grey..Mrs. Grey, may we have a comment', reporters outta my face.

Can you tell my hormones are raging?! Anyways, the only thing we have learned is that Elena is still in a coma. Her scans did show some "possible" damage to her frontal and temporal lobe, and something about a brain bleed.

The frontal lobe controls movement, intelligence, reasoning, behavior, memory and personality.

The temporal lobe controls speech, behavior, memory, hearing, vision and emotions.

In my opinion, it looks like both of those lobes were damaged a long time ago. Long before those women beat her. That woman was always damaged goods in my eyes. Of course, that could be the hormones talking again.

Christian and I decided to sit down with the entire family for a talk. We needed to stay abreast of any developments on Elena's condition, without being noticed.

Grace was very hesitant at first, but she too wanted to know ahead of time. So she made a few calls and managed to get a friend of hers, on the inside, to agree to keep us informed. In the meantime, we could relax.

Before we knew it, Valentine's Day was upon us. Christian took me to the Mile High Club to celebrate. He lavished me with all sorts of gifts. The most precious of them was a necklace. It had four trinkets attached to it. Each trinket held a birthstone. One for mine, Christian, Teddy, and one for our baby on the way. He told me more trinkets could be added later as our family grows. I may have to ask him some time soon as to how many kids he has in mind.

As for Teddy, well he's walking now...and getting into everything. He's also starting to talk quite a bit more. He can say mama, dada, dug (for dog), byeee (for bye), ut oh, and no. Of course Diesel is always right there by his side. And boy is he getting big. The vet said Diesel would possibly weigh close to 100 pounds by the time he's full grown.

But he truly is Teddy's dog. Diesel loves him to death. And Teddy loves his dog. At least with Diesel around, I don't have to worry about someone trying to get too close. Diesel is very protective over him.

Now you may be wondering how things have been going with Mia, Luke, Kate and Elliott.

Mia and Luke are still in their honeymoon phase. After Luke finally got over the shock that they were having twins, he started to prepare for their arrival. First on his agenda was a bigger house. With the amount of money he now makes, and the fact that Christian always paid his security guards very, very well. Luke found a huge two story house that's 8,000 square feet, for sale. It has 5 bedrooms and bathrooms, a workout room, a casual and formal dining room, three living rooms, a kitchen large enough to make Martha Stewart jealous, an indoor/outdoor pool and a six car garage. It sits on 8 acres too. There's a barn and stables for horses and cattle as well. Oh, did I mention that it's right next door to us?!

Yep, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are now living right next door.

It's nice though. I love having a huge family that is close and stays in contact.

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