The Discussion

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(Carrick's POV)

I watch my father-in-law​ getting up from the couch. That man never has held back when it comes to saying what he thinks. But he's right. It's never boring around here when it comes to my family. Now to deal with the bigger problem...
What Christian did to Hyde. I can only imagine how he felt. I admit when I heard about my daughter and daughter-in-law, I too wanted a piece of him. But unfortunately the law gives this no good piece of shit rights.

As Theo comes back with his scotch and sits down, we begin again.


"Sir, if I may. All of us had a hand in this." Taylor says.

"I understand, Taylor, but it was my son that practically beat Hyde to death. I know you want to protect him, but..... the law says...."

"The law says self defense of a third party, Carrick. Now that is legal!" Grandpa Theo interjects.

"Ok. Was Ana and/or Mia in danger from Hyde after he was shot?" I question.

"He was in pain from the bullet wound, but he was able to get up. In fact he was standing when I grabbed him and punched him in the face." Taylor answers.

"It's true Dad. He was standing there laughing at us. He even moved towards us. That's when Christian went at him." Elliott explains.

"So let's just make sure we all understand and agree. Ana was in danger. Hyde stood up after being shot in the leg, and was coming at her. And this is when her husband defended her, since she was clearly unable to. Taylor...You were holding Ana. So you were unable to defend her. Sawyer was detaining Elizabeth Morgan, so she wouldn't escape. And Elliott​, you were holding Mia in your arms, so you couldn't defend Ana. Which leaves you, Christian. You were the only one who could keep him away." Theo says as way of explaining this whole mess.

"Yes sir." Christian answers back.

"But can we justify how bad the beating was?"

Everyone looks at the ground contemplating to themselves.

"Ok Dad, Christian, Elliott, and Taylor? I want the truth. How bad was Hyde beaten? Because none of you have ever told me or discussed it with me. And I want to know.... RIGHT NOW!" Ana shouts.

I look around at each of them. I can tell they don't want to tell her. But she has a right to know.

"Ana...... When they brought Hyde into the hospital...... He wasn't good." I'm hesitant to tell her, but decide to blurt it out fast. "His eye was knocked out of its socket, his orbital bone was shattered, his nose was beyond crushed, his jaw was broken in two places, and all of his upper and lower teeth in the front were knocked out. He was in a coma for four months and then underwent another four months of rehab. Not to mention the numerous reconstructive surgeries to make his face look somewhat normal. This is why it has taken a year to finally make it to trial. Well that and we postponed a bit because you were pregnant. Now the defense is ready and anxious to get this in the courtroom. Hyde wants revenge. Hyde's telling his defense team that you two were having an affair, and that you teased him and led him on, driving him to insanity."

"He's trying to plead insanity​?" Ana questions.

"Yes Ana. I'm afraid he is. He knows that if he is found insane, that he will only serve maybe a year or so in a hospital, then pull a switch showing he has all his marbles​, so to speak, and he gets released."

"So what's the plan Dad?" Christian asks.

"Well thanks to you and your crack team of hackers, we have videos of Hyde screwing every single PA he had. We also have their files showing when they were hired and released. It shows a pretty good pattern. We also have computer files where he was researching you, me, your mom, Elliott, and Mia.....long before Ana even started at SIP. We have, again thanks to you, the CCTV video of him attacking Ana at SIP. We are going to subpoena all his former PA's to testify as to what happened to them. I made some calls, and I'm arranging a way to bring them in safely and secretively. Hyde won't know what hit him. As far as his injuries from the beating...You could still be charged with assault. But we can hope the judge understands the circumstances."

"How soon do you think it will be before we have to go to court?" Elliott asks.

"I expect it will be in under two weeks", Rockwall says.

Martin Rockwall is a quiet man from Dallas. He's in his late 60's now. He always told me to listen to the voices around you. You'd be surprised what people say when they think you aren't​ listening. The size of this guy is really intimidating. He tops at around 6'7" and weighs close to 300 lbs. But he's a caring, gentle man. His wife, if you can believe it, is a judge. And he's had to appear before her numerous times when trying a case. She uses her maiden name so not to draw attention when she's hearing his cases. Very few people know they are husband and wife. They've been married for 45 years. She's a small little thing. No more than 5'3" and weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet. Seeing them together is a wow moment. The first time I saw them together my first thought was "is the circus in town?" I was a young lawyer then.  Now Martin is a full partner in my firm. He may not say a whole lot, but when he does, look out. Because he won't bullshit you. He tells it like it is. No padding the truth, or sugar coating it. It's a full out rip the band-aid off.

"Carrick, I've sat here and heard all that your sons and their right hand man have said. I have also read and seen everything we have on Hyde. This trial is going to be a whopper of a case. The media is going to have a field day. This is going to effect a lot of people. All of you in a way are going to have to relive it. I'm not gonna sugar-coat this either....It's going to be hard as hell. But all of you are strong and have a strong family of support. So what I would like to do is this. I want to have every person that we have that will be testifying, be in the courtroom locked in every day. No media allowed in. With the media locked out, that will ease a lot of tension. I'll make a request with whomever the judge is to enforce it. Carrick, I know you have done a lot of work digging up stuff and putting this case together, but I need you to sit second chair on this. I don't need you losing it on this guy or when you hear Ana and Mia's testimony... ok?" He states very seriously.

"Alright Marty, you run the show."

"Now let me say something too. You two hotheads better damn well restrain yourselves in court. Cause if you don't the judge doesn't give a rats ass who you are or nothing. And they'll hold you in contempt of court and put you in a cozy little cell. And if that happens, well let's just say grandpa here will give you two options. Option one is I leave your ass in there for 24 to 48 hours. Option two, I'll get you out of jail, but take your out behind the barn and beat your asses black and blue or until my arm falls off. And if you don't think your ol' grandpa here can't​ still whoop ya, guess again!"

The look on my son's faces.....Priceless!

"We'll take option one!" They​ say in unison.

"Alright Carrick, we've said what we came to say. Now take this old man home. I wanna see if I can get a little lovin' out of Addy before she puts her hair in curlers and that God awful green shit on her face and goes to sleep."

"Ewww grandpa! Do you have to tell us that?! TMI!" Elliott says grossed out.

"What's the matter with ya? Be happy for me that the plumbing still works. At least it's still a stick up rather than a hold up." Grandpa says as he winks at us all and walks away laughing.

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