Nine Years Later

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Nine Years Later

Nine Years Later

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(Teddy's POV)

Ahh, I love summer vacation! I go to work with Mom, Dad, and Phoebe. I work as assistant CEO alongside my Dad, and he actually pays me for it. Phoebe works with Mom. She's really into books and such. Dad tried to get her interested in his work, but it just didn't appeal to her.

 Dad tried to get her interested in his work, but it just didn't appeal to her

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(Phoebe pictured above)

Mom's assistant editor is nice. Her name is Tress and she's married to a doctor. They have two kids who are much younger than us. So during the summer, Tress takes off to spend time with her husband and kids, and Mom pays Phoebe to step in. 

Of course the best part of summer vacation is I can run and train whenever I want. I'm on the track team at school in case you were wondering.

Now I just have to get through this last week of school so I can start enjoying it.

Thank goodness after this week, I won't be a freshman anymore. Don't get me wrong, when I started high school, people figured out pretty quick who I was. Girls especially. Even the upper class men girls.

But I want a girl who likes me for who I am as a person. Not for my family money, or who's kid I am. Just me.

I never asked Dad how he met Mom. Maybe I should. I mean, I know he was already a billionaire and a household name so to speak. But how is it that she stood out amongst all the others that wanted him.

My last class of the day is track. I'm one of the fastest runners Coach claims to ever have.

"Hey Grey!"

"Hey Coach!"

"What are your plans this summer?"

"Well as usual I'll be working with my Dad. But don't worry, I've already set aside running time."

"I see. Well I have a favor to ask of you. Last week I received my list of students for this coming school year, and we have a newbie."

"A newbie, huh."

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