Tomorrow's Another Day

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Last night went wonderfully! Well until the conversation of my butt being in trouble rose its ugly head. Elliott and Kate both had a good laugh at my expense.

Thankfully Mom shut him down, along with the topic, when she told Elliott to let that be a warning that the same fate could happen to him. Elliott looked shocked....but I smiled! 

But today is a new day! Mom told us all last night about her schedule. Most of this morning she will be giving a speech about some new techniques and treatments. So while she is doing that, I'm taking Ana shopping. Of course Ana had to mention it to Mia so it looks like it's going to be the three of us. 

" ready to go?"

"I'll be finished in about five minutes. I'm almost done feeding Teddy."

"Ana, have you given any thought of maybe us switching Teddy over to baby milk that you buy at the store?"

"You mean put him on formula?"

"Well yes actually. Since you went back to work, I've seen how drained you have been. Between the pumping and nursing, I just thought this way it would give you back some freedom."

"I have considered it. Especially since Teddy is starting to cut some teeth. And it would be easier on me...not to mention Gail too. I did some research and I already know which one I want to get. Let's pick it up while we are out shopping today."

It's been more than three hours now that we've been out shopping around. How could I have forgotten that when it comes to my sister, Mia, shopping is a sport. I'm beginning to feel less like her brother and more like her pack mule.

"Mia, how much more could you possibly need? You buy one more thing and I'm going to worry that my plane won't make it off the ground when we leave!"

"Oh Christian!" She teasingly swats at me.

"I'm just glad I found a new swimsuit that I'm comfortable in." Ana says with a newfound confidence.

"And may I say you look incredibly beautiful in too!" I smile my naughtiest smile at her. 

An hour later we arrive back at the hotel. My arms are killing me after carrying all those bags.

Now for a late lunch and down to the beach!

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