Time To Face Him - Part 1

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Within twenty-five minutes of the phone call from Dad, Ana and I are sitting in the living room waiting for Dad to arrive. 
Taylor enters the room to inform us that Dad is at the gate, and he just buzzed him through. But my Dad did not come alone. He brought his business partner Mr. Rockwall, Elliott, and my grandfather. Martin Rockwall is a ruthless and unmerciful prosecutor. His record of wins is an astonishing 97%. He's spent his life trying to beat my grandfather's record of 98%. Grandpa Theo has been known as a legend in his time. Defense attorneys have been known to cringe when faced with him. I'm beginning to have a feeling I know what's up now. 
"Thank you Taylor. Please show them in, and you might want to stick around as well. I have a feeling this might involve you too." 

"Christian, is this about Hyde?" Ana asks. 

"I'm afraid it might be. We've postponed the trial as much as we could. Ana, maybe you should go lie down. I don't want you to have to deal with all this again right now." 

"No Christian. I'm staying. I want to hear what they have to say." 

Taylor goes to the door and escorts everyone in. I walk over and shake hands with everyone, then tell them to please have a seat. Before sitting, Dad smiles and comes over and hugs and kisses Ana. 

"Ana. How are you sweetheart?", Dad asks. 

"I'm doing great, Dad. How are you?" 

"I've been doing good. Well, that is until this afternoon. We have some things to discuss with you two." He states. 

Dad and Rockwall sit down on one couch while grandpa sits next to Ana. Grandpa leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Elliott also comes over to Ana to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek, before sitting in the chair next to the couch. 

"Ana honey, I'm sorry about coming over like this. But we all knew that one way or another, this day would come." Grandpa states sympathetically. 

"I know grandpa, I know. Let's get this over with.", Ana says as she sits up ready to get on with it. 

My Dad takes a deep breath then begins. 

"A year ago, our family was blindsided by this tragedy. Ana and Mia took the majority of the blow. Now it's time we deal with putting this bastard away for a long long time. I need to go over what happened back then. I know it's painful, but it has to be done. We know about Hyde breaking into Escala while Ana and Kate were out. That shows his intent to do harm. And we know about how he attacked Ana at her job, and then later when he kidnapped Mia and then Ana, and all that he did to them both. What I don't quite know is what happened at that abandoned building before the police showed up." 

I can see Taylor start to grimace a bit as he looks down at the floor. Elliott looks just as uncomfortable. Guess it's time to face the music. 

"Christian, Elliott, and Taylor....just so you know, everything that is said here tonight is between us. But we have to know", Dad says in his no nonsense business voice. 

I look at Elliott and Taylor again and start explaining.

"I guess we should start with what happened before the kidnapping, and how it spiraled out from there. Let me begin with when Ana told me she was pregnant with Teddy. I was furious. It was the last thing I expected her to tell me that night. I accused her of getting pregnant on purpose. I told her I was not ready to be a dad and how this was going to ruin everything. I wanted to show her the world. Anyways, I walked out on her that night leaving her a crying mess on the dining room floor. I knew in my mind walking out like that was a mistake, but I was so pissed. I started walking. And as if I was on auto pilot, I found myself outside of Dr. Flynn's office.  The office was closed, but I needed to talk to him. So I took out my phone and called him. He didn't answer. But within thirty seconds later, he called me back.

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