The Horror Before Halloween

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(Heidi POV)  (Wednesday 7:30 pm. 2 Days before the party) continued....

"Good evening doctor. Have any interesting phone calls lately that you'd like to share?"


Oh God! How did she know? I know I'm being followed, but how did she hear my phone call? Wait.... maybe she's​ just guessing. I'll play it off.

"So tell me Heidi. Is there anything interesting that you'd like to tell me all about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Elena."

"Oh come now. You know better than to lie to me young lady."

"Lie? Why would I lie? I don't know what you're talking about."

"I see. Well maybe I made a mistake then. Although....I don't usually make mistakes. Perhaps you need some help jogging your memory."

I feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest. I can even feel my body shaking. Adrenaline pulsing throughout my body. Then I see him.

"Linc." I breathe out in a whisper.

Linc is walking through my front door with a wicked​ evil look on his face. His eyes are cold and black. I can smell his pungent stench from ten feet away. I look down at his hand and see a large black bag, which seems full and heavy. I'm​ so scared I can't move. I'm frozen to the floor. Why can't I move? I want to run. Linc walks past me and down the hall. Come on Heidi....Deep breaths now. Elena closes the front door, turns the deadbolt and then fastens the security stop plate. She turns and looks at me and starts laughing in a way that you'd only expect to hear in an insane asylum. Oh no no no no...What's happening? I gotta get out of here. Just as the ability to move my legs hits, I'm grabbed from behind. Arms engulf me trapping me from fighting back. I try to kick free, but it does no good.

"Oh I like em feisty! Come on baby. Let's jog that memory of yours." Linc says in my ear as he carries me towards my bedroom.

Tears are streaming down my face. I'm pleading with him to please stop, don't do this, just let me go. He tosses me on the bed. I start to scramble to get away when he hits me hard across the face. My head is spinning, as my eyes roll back and the darkness comes.


(Thursday evening - The day before the Halloween party)

(Sawyer POV)

Oh what a day. Between this upcoming court case and Grey Publishing moving, I am not looking forward to either one. I liked being top dog. Now that we are moving to Grey House, I'll have to deal with and report to Taylor all the time. There goes my free time for Mia and I to text one another. Or should I say sext one another.

I pull into my parking spot at home. I hate coming home to an empty house. I've thought about what it would be like to come home to a wife and kids. A family. I didn't think I'd really wanted​ one, well that is until Mia came along. She has me thinking about all kinds of possibilities. Her mom and dad love me. I just wonder how the rest of the Grey clan would feel towards me if I were to marry her. I picture her brothers beating me to a bloody pulp and Taylor disposing of the body.

I shake off that thought as I reach my door. I hear​ music playing inside. I open the door and see Mia dancing around the living room.

"Mia!" I attempt to shout out over the music.

"Hey baby! Welcome home!"

"What are you doing?"

"It's called dancing babe." She says as she turns it down.

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