Weekend Before the Trial - Part 2

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Thanks to all of you for waiting patiently for this chapter. It's one of the longest I've ever written. Hope you enjoy it! Please keep those votes and comments coming! Don't forget to follow me too!

I'm already starting on the next chapter. I'll try to get it out as soon as I can. Much love to you all!

(Dinner at Carrick and Grace's)

(Saturday night)

(Ana's POV)

Today was a bit exhausting. After going to the grocery store, Grace suggested we stay yet another night at her place. Over the next week, we will be apart quite a bit. She also wanted to help me select some appropriate dresses to wear in court. She explained that being married to a lawyer after all the years that she and Carrick have been married, there was one thing she learned. Clothes can make the difference. For a woman, never wear anything low cut or sexy in color to court. Especially if someone is accusing you of leading them on. But I also needed to make sure that it was also something that I have worn before to work. I never wear anything overly sexy or revealing anyways. Christian wouldn't allow it. She helps me select five different dresses to get me through this coming week, and five more for the second week if and when they are needed. The second set we are leaving in the closet where she or Taylor can grab them to​ bring to the hotel. As for Christian, he's having Taylor bring his suits over tomorrow evening when he drops Gail off.

Once we got back to Grace's, we unloaded and started cooking. Kate begged us at the store for Italian food. She said she's been craving it for the past two days. It sounded good so we selected chicken parmesan over angel hair pasta and three cheese garlic bread. Gail wanted to do the dessert. So she collected all the ingredients for Tiramisu.

After 2 hours of cooking, dinner is finally ready. We all find a place at Grace's big dining room table. Carrick had to put in a couple more leaves so we would all fit.

Tonight Carrick says the blessing, praying that those of us going to court this coming week, are given the strength and courage to stand strong, and to help guide us in finding justice.

After dinner, instead of the men immediately taking off, they​ decide to help out with the clean up and dish washing. With the last of the dishes loaded in the dishwasher, we all head outside to the backyard. My in-laws have a beautiful built in fire pit. Everyone grabs a chair placing them in a huge circle around it. Within ten minutes we have a nice sized fire going. Grace goes back inside coming back out with a pot of coffee and cups on a tray. There's a slight chill in the air making the coffee that much more welcome. We sit quietly looking up at the stars. Even Teddy is unusually quiet as he stares mesmerized at the flames. A while later he begins yawning and rubbing his little eyes.

"Looks like someone is ready for bed," I say as I stand up with him in my arms.

"I'll put him down for you Ana," Grace offers.

"Oh it's ok. I want to do it. I won't get to do it all this coming week. And I know I'm going to miss it."

After lying Teddy down for the night, I return to my chair next to Christian. As I pick up my coffee cup to refill it, Grace makes a statement to everyone.

"Would everyone like to go to the church services tomorrow morning?"

Everybody looks at one another before nodding an agreed yes.

"Wonderful! After church we can have lunch before heading over to the hotel then," she states.


(Earlier that evening at Elena's)

(Elena's POV)

I arrive back home from the hospital. Relieved to know Heidi won't be talking to anyone about what she knows. That girl knows way too much. I couldn't take the chance that she told Christian about what she's seen and heard over the past year. Now I just have to figure out the perfect plan for luring him here. Maybe some mindless TV and a drink will help. I pour myself a tall glass and find a comfortable place in the living room, as I turn on the television.

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