It Just Gets Better and Better

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(Grace's POV)

"Elliott! What the hell were you thinking!? Why would you do that? Your brother is furious, and I can't blame him. He sees his brother carrying his wife over his shoulder and then throws her in the water?" I say with my hands on my hips.

Sometimes I worry this man doesn't have the sense God gave paste.

"I don't know Mom. I was just having fun. I tried to get Kate to come play, but she just wanted to sunbathe. And I couldn't just drag her out cause her swim top was untied." Elliott says with his head hung. "I didn't mean any harm. Now Christian is going to kill me."

"I don't think he's going to kill you, but I'm sure he is pretty mad."

"I'm so sorry Mom."

"Don't tell me...Tell your brother and Ana."

Elliott walks back over to his chair collecting his shirt and shoes. Kate looks up to him shaking her head "Am I not enough for you, Elliott?" Kate asks.


Great. Just what I need. My wife thinking she isn't enough for me. Boy this day keeps getting better and better.

"Of course you're enough. I was just playing. You know...Horsing around. Look, I gotta go find Christian and Ana to apologise. I'll be back in a little bit."

I slowly start making my way up to the hotel. As I'm walking I'm going over in my head what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. Along with reminding myself to duck when his fist comes flying at my face.

As I enter the hotel, I begin following the signs leading to the first aid clinic. When I walk in, I look around and don't see Christian or Ana anywhere. Oh no. I hope her injuries weren't so bad they had to send her off to the hospital.

"Excuse me. Did a woman come in here a while ago? She had a hurt ankle leg area."

The young man comes over and tells me that she had a jellyfish sting on her ankle and that after treating it, her husband carried her out of here. But he wasn't sure where they went. I thank him and decide to go check their room.

"Please let her be ok." I chant over and over again out loud to myself. I arrive at the door and knock cautiously. "Ana? Christian? Anyone there?"

"Just a minute." I hear Ana say through the door.

Slowly the door opens. I see Ana standing there on one leg. "Come on in, Elliott."

I watch as she limps back to her bed. I see red whip like lashes on her ankle. The area is so red and swollen. Geez I feel like such an ass.

"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Ana. I never meant for you to get hurt. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I can. I know you would never intentionally hurt me. It was just an unfortunate accident."

"Where's Christian?"

"I'm not sure. He told me to stay here and rest. Maybe he went back down to the beach to collect our stuff. That and to let everyone know that I'm ok"

"Well I better go and let you rest then. I really am sorry Ana."

"Elliott, stop. I'm fine. The pain is almost gone. It just itches now." She says smiling at me.

"Ok. Laters!"

"Laters Elliott". She giggles back.

Feeling grateful that Ana has forgiven me, I know Christian won't be as forgiving. I decide to pop into my room to change my clothes. I've had enough beach time today. Afterwards, I'll go back down and help collect our belongings. I open the door to my room and head into the bedroom. Suddenly I'm grabbed and slammed into the wall.


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