Never Seem to Catch a Break

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(Carrick's POV)

I kneel down next to Grace, and wrap my arm around her.

"Grace honey, what are you talking about?"

"Elena....she's been freed!"

"That's impossible. She was sentenced to 15 years. Who told you that?"

"My friend, Betsy. She's the one who's been keeping me updated on her condition. She just called to let me know that Elena's attorney filed to have her sentence exonerated. And it seems the judge granted it."

"Not if I have anything to do with it! Jason, would you mind helping Grace upstairs. I need to make a call."

I race into my office, open up the locked file cabinet and pull Elena's file. Grabbing my phone, I call on Martin.


"Marty, it's Carrick."

"Hey Carrick. How's it going?"

"Not good. Have you heard about Elena Lincoln?"

"I heard about her attack. The press has been have a field day. I watched a few news debates after it was announced that she had a frontal lobe tumor. They had a panel of doctors on discussing as to whether the tumor caused her to commit the kidnapping and attempted murder or not. The only thing they could agree on is her Neurologist's analysis that she has had it for at least 15-20 years."

"We'll you're not going to believe this. Her attorney filed for her release based on that. And somehow he found a judge to exonerate her."

"What?! Are you sure?"

"Grace just got a phone call from a friend of hers at the hospital. She's been keeping us updated on everything.... privately and discreetly of course."

"Who was the judge?"

"I don't know."

"I can't believe this is happening. So where's Ms. Lincoln now?"

"I'm not sure. But you better believe I'm going to find out."

"Ok. Keep me updated. I'll talk to my wife. Maybe she can look into things that we can't."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you later."

Now to figure out where Elena is at. But first, I better call Christian. He and Ana need to know what's happened. But before I make the call, there's a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I call out.

"Sir, your wife is lying down upstairs. If it's alright with you, I'd like to head home. I need to inform Christian and Ana as to what has happened."

"Actually I was just about to call them myself."

"If I may, I think it would be best if they are told in person."

"You have a good point. Very well. Inform Christian and let him know we are looking into this nightmare. And please, be delicate when you tell Ana. Christian told me earlier that her blood pressure was a little high. No need for her to stress over this and cause problems with the pregnancy. I don't want her to lose this baby over this."

"I agree. I'll take my leave now. Goodnight."

"Hey Jason...thank you for helping with the party today. You and your wife did a beautiful job."

"You're welcome. Good night."


(Jason's POV)

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