Here We Go

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(Narrators POV)

"Elena! What the hell are you doing here!" Ana cries out in horror.

Elena squints her eyes as she tries to comprehend Ana's outburst.

"Apparently you seem to have me at a disadvantage. I'm not here to cause anyone any problems. I came here to see Mr. Grey."

"Well he's not here. And even if he was, he absolutely does NOT want to see you! So why don't you turn around and get the hell outta here," Mia spits out with rage.

Elena continues to stand her ground as for her visit.

"Are you Anastasia Grey?"

"No, I'm not Anastasia Grey. I'm Mia. Christian is my brother."

"Well my dear as I said before, I'm here to see him, not you. So this doesn't concern you. Now I'll ask you again. Where can I find Mr. Grey?"

"Concerns us? You being here most certainly concerns us. Because of you and your gang of twisted sister fuck ups, I lost my baby! Now Mia has already asked you once, don't make us say it again. Get the hell out of here or the three of us are going to throw you out on your ass!" Kate says with fury.

"So you must be Anastasia Grey. My lawyer told me that during the 'rough patch' I had, that I kidnapped your baby. I wasn't aware that the child died. I'm truly sorry."

"I'm not Ana either. And you are treading on very thin ice right now. I'm really starting to lose my patience with you."

Elena turns her attention to Ana.

"Well now, that leaves you. So are you Anastasia Grey?"

"You know damn well who I am. I'm not buying your bullshit story about how some tumor made you evil. You've always been damaged goods to me, lady. And I use that term very very loosely!"

Elena begins walking closer to Ana.

"Mrs. Grey, it's nice to finally meet you." Elena extends her hand to Ana, but Ana refuses it and stands her ground. "As I said before, I'm not here to cause problems."

"Too late," Kate calls out.

"I'm here to apologize. I want to make things right. What I did I'm truly sorry for. I can only imagine the pain I've caused you, your husband and family."

Elena continues as Ana begins breathing harder and lightly shaking with rage.

"I was a different person then. The tumor made me do all those vile things. I hope you understand. I would never hurt a child."

Elena steps a little closer and stares at Ana's baby belly.

"Children are precious. As you obviously know." Elena reaches out to touch Ana's belly.

Seeing this, Kate snaps, grabs Elena by the arm and yanks her back causing her to stumble a bit.

"Get your fucking hands off her you bitch!"

Elena composes herself, turns sharply as she glares at Kate. Pointing her finger in Kate's face, Elena scolds her. "I've had just about all I can stand of you, missy! I came here to have a civil conversation. Don't push your luck!"

"That does it!" Mia states through gritted teeth. She rears back and cold cocks Elena in the face, knocking her to the floor with a thud.

Elena scrabbles to get back up swinging her cane. 

Kate grabs the cane by the end as a tug of war begins. Mia and Ana jump in to help. Ana tries to pry Elena's fingers from her grip on it as Mia proceeds to help Kate pull. 

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