A Christmas They Won't Forget

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(Mia's POV)

It's been an incredible three weeks.  The first week was rather interesting. My morning sickness started. I had to sneak an extra call to Ana to find out what I can do to stop it. Ana told me Ginger Ale and crackers.

Good thing Jason left the Ginger Ale here. Although I had to ask Carmella if she could pick up more. Luke tried to pour me a glass of champagne our first morning. I told him it wasn't setting well with my stomach for some reason. He bought it. Thank goodness.

So most of the time I drank water, milk and tea. By our second week, my appetite went through the roof. I was constantly hungry. I've actually been hiding food all over the house. So once again I had to sneak a call in to Ana. She said her cravings didn't kick in until nearly 8-10 weeks. But I guess everybody's different. She did ask me what I've been craving, so I told her dairy and sweet stuff. She told me with Teddy, she craved salty stuff and meat. Maybe that means I'm having a girl then. Who knows.

So I've convinced Luke to let us fly home a day early. Christian left us the plane here so why not use it. I told Luke I needed to get some Christmas shopping done. Now here we are on the morning of Dec. 20, getting dressed to head back home.

I called Christian yesterday to let him know. And while I was at it, I talked to Ana, who in turn talked to Kate, about the three of us getting together for our big reveal. Ana assured me it's all set up.

"Ugh.... ugh..." I grunt and struggle.

"Mia, what's wrong baby?"

"Umm...I guess with us being cooped up in here for three weeks, I've put on a few pounds and can't seem to button up my pants."

"Well I know you're usually on the go all the time, plus working out at the gym three days a week. Not to mention all the cardio we've been doing lately. But I don't think a few pounds is going to hurt you. Do you have any other pants you could wear?"

"Yeah, I've got another pair. I'll go put them on."

Grabbing my other pants, I walk into the bathroom. Turning sideways, I lift my shirt and look at myself in the mirror. Oh my, I already have a little bump going on. Wow! That was fast! Especially for 7-8 weeks along. I am so glad Luke and everybody else will finally know in 5 days. Then I won't have to hide this anymore. And with me starting to show, it can't come soon enough.

While I finish up, Luke loads the car. Before we know it, we are landing in Seattle.


(Once home, Mia calls up Ana)

"Hi Ana!"

"Hey Mia! Did you just get home?"

"Yes, we got home a while ago. So what time are we on for?"

"4pm. And Kate is already over here. So we'll be there in a few."

"Works for me. I'll see ya then!"

"See ya then. Bye!"

"Luke," I call out. "I'm going out to do some Christmas stuff with Ana and Kate."

"Ok baby. You girls be safe."

"We will. I love you!"

"Love you too!"

A kiss goodbye and I'm out the door.



(Carrick and Grace's house)
(Christian's POV)

Like most family traditions, ours is to gather at Mom and Dad's. I can't wait to give Ana her Christmas gift. I hope she will love it.

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