My Baby

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(Kate's POV)

(11:35 pm)

I kiss my amazing husband goodnight. I hate leaving him like this in the middle of the night, but this shooting pain is scaring me. He closes my car door and waves at me as I pull away. Looking in my rearview mirror I see him place his fingers to his lips and blow me a kiss. I love him so much.

On my way to Ana's, I practice how I'm going to tell Grace that we're pregnant. She knew about Ana expecting before any of us knew. I don't want her to feel cheated. I wanted to surprise everyone at Thanksgiving. I remember last year sitting at the table as Grace explained their family tradition of going around the table, and each person saying what they were thankful for. This year when it comes my turn, I'm planning on saying that I'm thankful for all of them being in my life.... especially my Elliott. But more than anything else, I'm thankful for the bundle of joy I'm carrying. I can just picture their faces. A bunch of oh my God, are you serious, oh another grandbaby on the way. I giggle just thinking about it. However I'm going to have to break my plan a bit and tell Grace. This pain is really starting to scare me.

As I'm exiting the highway to turn onto the winding road leading to the house, I begin feeling anxious and nervous. I know she'll be excited. I think I'll just go in and gently wake her up. Let her know everything is ok, but I need her help. I'm pregnant and having some really bad cramps. Yep, that's what I'll do.

Geez this road is pitch black at night. I turn on my high beams to help me see better and drop my speed. I know I should be getting close. Christian really needs to get some street lights installed out here. I drive a bit further and decide I better pull out my notepad so I can enter the gate code. I reach over feeling around in my purse for it. I just had it a minute ago. I slow down and pull off to the side of the road, turn on my interior light and begin digging for it. "Finally!" I yell out. I look at the clock in my car and see it's already 12:13 am. Putting the car back in drive after turning out the light, I proceed. With the notepad in one hand while I steer with the other, I find the gate. Pulling up to the keypad, I come to a dead stop.

That's weird. Why's the gate open? Damnit Elliott! I just know he called Grace and woke her up to tell her I'm on my way. She probably opened the gate up for me. Ugh...I can't believe him. I bet he even told her that I'm pregnant too. Guess we'll find out.

I pull through the gate slowly and begin making my way up the long drive to the house. The closer I get, I realize that there are no lights on. I figured if Grace opened the gate, that she would have at least turned​ on the front porch light for me.

I park the car, shut off the engine, grab my notepad and climb out. With the house key in my hand, I reach the door. As I go to put the key in, I see that the door is cracked open a bit. Not giving it a second thought I enter. The house is pitch black. I feel around as my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. I begin to wonder where Grace is. Why would she leave the gate and the front door open, but not turn on a single light. I find a lamp on the end table. Meticulously I feel my way up it til I find the switch and turn it on. As the lamp illuminates the room, I begin looking around for Grace. I start to make my way into the darkened kitchen, running my hands along the wall for the light switch. As I flip it on, I'm grabbed from behind. I scream out in fright as a hand quickly covers my mouth muffling my voice. I elbow, kick and claw at whomever has a hold of me.

"Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth!" They hiss at me.

I break free from their hold as I turn to face them, readying myself for a life or death fight. I notice my attacker is a woman. She appears to be close in age to me.

"What do you want?"

"Right now I want you to shut the fuck up and cooperate with me," she says angrily.

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