Texas Bound

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We've been airborne for about 30 minutes now. With the fasten seat belt sign off, we try to decide a discreet way of sneaking off to the bedroom of the plane. Just as we are about to get up, Grace comes walking over.

"Christian....Ana! How are you darling?" Grace beams at us as she leans down and kisses us both on the cheek.

"We're good Mom!" I smile sweetly at her.

"Is Teddy finally sleeping through the night now?"

"Oh yes! He goes down around 8pm and is getting up around 7am. Things are so much better than they were a couple of months ago."

"Well I'm so glad you three are here. These seminars can be rather boring at times. But at least this way the family can spend some quality time together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go spend some quality time loving on that grandbaby on mine!"

Grace walks away glowing with pride and love. Christian nudges me to go and go now. Quickily and quietly we slip to the back.

As we are about to open the door, we hear soft moaning coming from behind it.

"Christian...does that sound like what I think it sounds like?"

"Who the hell is in our bedroom!" Christian whispers angrily. I glance around the plane counting heads.

"Baby, where's Kate and Elliott?"

Of course I don't have to wonder for very long as Christian begins pounding on the door.


"Whoever's in there better open this door right now!!"

"Be out in a minute bro." Calls a very familar voice from the other side. Elliott. Yep, he's a dead man.

I look at Christian. You can actually see flames coming off of him. His fists are balled up at his side. I need to calm him down before there is a knock down brawl right here on the plane.

"Christian." I say very softly as if I'm talking to a frightened animal.

"Please don't go all fifty shades on Elliott. I know this looks bad, but please, let's not do this here in front of everybody.

I turn and look at Ana. Her blue eyes pleaing with me. I know she doesn't want me getting into a huge fight with Elliott, but damnit he's fucking Kavanagh in our bed!

Suddenly the door opens and out comes the giggling newlyweds.

"Hey bro. Sorry 'bout that. Kate and I just wanted a few minutes alone." Elliott tries to explain. I stand there glaring at him.

"So you decided that our bed was the best place for that?"

"Woah woah, we weren't having sex in the bed! We were just making out behind closed doors."

"I know what I heard, and that was NOT just making out!"

"Dude I swear, we would never do anything like that in your bed!"

"Oh so I'm supposed to believe that what we heard was just from a round of tonsil hockey?"

"Well yeah, that's all it was." Elliott smiles a devilish grin.

Elliott and Kate start walking back to their seats as Ana and I walk into the bedroom. We stand there looking around the room which was once a sacred playground for just the two us.

"Christian, maybe they were just making out. The bed is still made. The only thing I can see is a butt impression right here at the foot of the bed."

Great, my man whore brother has left his ass imprint and tainted our bed. Mental note to self....burn current duvet and buy a new one.

"Christian, I know what you're thinking. We're not burning the duvet." Ana huffs at me with her arms crossed. I immediately start ripping the bedding off disgusted by it's sight.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a hint of curiosity.

"Ana, I'm not about to let your skin come in contact with anything that might be on this bed."

Lord help me. I'm surprised he hasn't pulled out a black light and started looking for bodily fluids like they do on those crime shows!

Suddenly there is a soft knock on the door. Oh what now! As I open the door I see Gail.

"I'm so sorry to bother you Ana, but Teddy is hungry. I looked in the diaper bag, and I couldn't find any milk bottles."

In all my packing I completely forgot to pump bottles of milk for him.

"It's ok Gail. I guess I was so excited about this trip that it slipped my mind. I'm so sorry. Give me a minute and I'll be right there."

Gail smiles and nods at me as she heads back.
I look to Christian.

"I'm sorry baby. I guess I better go tend our baby boy. Shall we pick this up later?"

"Yes. Elliott's already soured my mood." Christian states as he looks down at the piled up bedding on the floor.

"I'm still buying new bedding!" He crosses his arms in a huffy childlike manner.

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