At Christian's Expense

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After returning to my room I decide to not tell Ana what my Mom did to my backside.

Hopefully all those individuals that witnessed it will keep there mouths shut. I will say this....Mom hits hard! That actually stung!

I need to do something now to make my Mom happy with me again. So I invite everybody to join Ana and I for dinner downstairs in the restaurant.

After calling downstairs to reserve a private table for 10, I call everyones room to let them know dinner at 7:30.

"Ana, I'm going to jump in the shower. Care to join me?" Flashing my mega watt smile at her. I'm still in need since the plane incident.

"You don't have to ask me twice!" She says as she runs her tongue over her lips.

I turn on the water as Ana quickily sheds her clothes. I follow suit removing my clothes at lightening speed.

As we step in, Ana says, "Here...let me wash you down." She grabs the body wash and washcloth and begins soaping it thoroughly. She glides up and down my front, paying particular attention to all the important parts.

"Now turn around and let me admire the other side."

As I turn my back to her, she begins washing my back, slowly moving down to my ass and legs. Suddenly she stops. Wait..what? Why did she just stop? I was enjoying that.

Before I can even fully turn around, I catch a glimpse of her face. She looks angry and hurt. Before I can say anything, she turns and exits the shower.

"Ana? What's wrong?" No response. "ANA!" I call again. Still nothing. I grab a towel and exit the shower. When I enter the bedroom I see her sitting there on the edge of the bed.


"Who is she Christian?"
I am really confused.

"What are you talking about? She who?"

"Christian, I'm not stupid. So don't play games with me! Who is she?"

"Baby, I don't know what you're talking about. I swear!"

"Yeah right. The handprint on your ass just magically appeared out of nowhere. You expect me to believe that?"

Awww shit! I go back in the bathroom and turn my backside to the mirror. Great...Mom left a reddish print smack dab where she popped me. I see Ana in the mirror. Her mouth pursed in anger.

"Amazing how you knew what side it was on!" She huffs.

"Baby, I know this is going to be hard to believe." She's never gonna believe this. "But my Mom spanked me." There I said it.

Why is she looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Your mother spanked you? That's your story? Really Christian. You expect me to believe that your sweet, caring, loving, soft spoken mother spanked her fully grown 29 year old son?"

"Yes because she did! As shocking as it sounds, and believe me I was shocked when she did it, but she did."

I stand there waiting for her to process everything. Out of nowhere she busts out laughing.

"Thanks for seeing the humor in this darling. Taylor, Gail and Dad enjoyed seeing my humiliation too."

"They saw her spank you too?"

"As much as it pains me to say this, yes they did."

And there she goes grabbing her sides and falling over laughing til she can barely breathe.

"I'm going back and finish my shower."

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