Chapter One

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Jasmine's POV: "Thank you all, I hope you enjoy Warped" Ronnie Radke said and I screamed.

This is my first time ever coming to warped tour. Sixteen years wasting my life of not coming here. I ended up driving myself here because it was over two hours away from my house and my mom refused to bring me. I had my own money though so she couldn't really stop me from coming. All the bands were done preforming so now I'm just going to walk around until it's time to meet youtubers. I hadn't brought any friends or anything because they didn't have the money and I couldn't really spare any money to bring them. Yes we are friends but I can't just give all that to them knowing they won't get it back.

"Oh I'm sorry, Excuse me" Someone said as I fell to the ground.

"Ow" I said to myself and then they reached out a hand to help me up.

I looked up to grab their hand and tried not to scream.

"Shouldn't you be at the Youtuber tent" I asked as he helped me up.

"It doesn't start for another five minutes, I was on my way there now"

"Oh ok I'll let you go then" I said looking at the ground.

I was so nervous right now like who wouldn't be. I am standing in front of my favorite youtuber ever. I went to walk away and I felt him slip a paper into the front pocket of my shorts then he smiled and walked away. I took out the note and this is what it said.

I would like to apologize for knocking you over so why don't you meet me by the performance stage after the meet and greet.

I'm totally going to do it, who wouldn't? I took my place in the line to meet the Youtubers but realized I was only there to see Johnnie and I would see him later so what's the point of waiting in a line for an hour. I got out of line and went to the performance stage and sat with my back against it and pulled out my phone. I got onto snapchat and just started posting random pictures and then pulled up twitter.

You guys will never believe this but I bumped into @Johnnieguilbert at Warped!!!

Johnnie liked the tweet and I screamed on the inside and out. This can't be real I'm dreaming I'm totally dreaming. No fan is actually lucky enough for this to happen to them especially not me. I texted my friends and they were trying to get me to calm down but I couldn't and I don't think I ever would and before I knew it Johnnie was standing right in front of me.

"Hey" He said sitting next to me.

"H...hi" I replied.

"What's your name?"


"That's a beautiful name, I am deeply sorry for knocking you over earlier. I should have been watching where I was going"

"No it's ok, it was probably my fault anyways"

"Here, why don't you text me sometime" He said holding his hand out for my phone.

I handed it to him and I watched as he put his number in and I couldn't quit smiling. I saw him taking out his phone and he pulled up his snapchat.

"Smile" He said but I already was.

He took a picture of us together and put a caption

Knocked into her at Warped add her @Jasminedhsjjssk

You guys should add my snapchat @cassieluvsgreen

I can't believe this is happening right now though. He is literally right beside me, I can touch him right now so I did.

"Why did you just poke me?" He asked.

"I wanted to make sure this was real"

"It is" He replied.

I was still smiling like an idiot I just couldn't stop no matter what.

"You should probably be going, warped is about to end" I said getting up.

"Why don't you come with me" He replied smiling.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Come to the last venue with me, there's only one left"

"Why would you want me to come"

"An apology gift"

"I'll..I'll ask my mom"

I pulled out my phone and called my mom and she said as long as I get back safe I can come.

"My mom said I can come"

"What about your dad"

"I don't have a dad" I replied.

"Oh I'm sorry did he pass away?"

"No my mom was a victim of rape but she decided to keep me anyways"

"Oh wow, I'm happy she made that decision"

"Me too" I replied.

"Well let's get to my bus" He said helping me up.

"I don't even have any clothes or anything"

"We can stop by hot topic on our way to Michigan"

"If we're going to Michigan well pass by my house anyways so could we stop by" I asked him.

"Sure, when we get on just give the bus driver your address"

We walked to the bus together and his manager and the driver both looked very surprised that he brought a random girl on the bus.

"Guys this is Jasmine, I accidently knocked her over and I decided to bring her on the next venue with us as an apology"

"Did you make sure she isn't dangerous" His manager asked him.

"She isn't trust me"

"Oh and we also need to stop by her house for some clothes, we'll pass it on the way" Johnnie told them and I had already written down my address.

"Alright let's go" The driver said and he started driving.

This is going to be great.

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