Chapter Twenty Five

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Jasmine's POV: "We aren't for sure yet, I have an appointment tomorrow, we were going to wait to tell people until we knew" I told him.

"Is that why I wasn't allowed here earlier?"

"Yes" Johnnie replied.

"Your secret is safe with me guys" He said and I hugged him.

"Thank you, you'll be the first to know tomorrow"

It was already nine and Johnnie and I agreed to go to bed by eleven so Richie wouldn't be here long.

"I'll make us all some grilled cheese" I said and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed two pans so it would go faster and made us each two grilled cheese. I grabbed paper plates and sat the grilled cheese on them and took them out to the guys.

"Thank you" Johnnie said kissing my cheek.

We all ate and then I watched the guys play video games. I love watching Johnnie play video games because he literally just pressed whatever buttons. He also gets upset over stuff and it's just hilarious.

"RAWR" I screamed in Johnnie's ear.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" He screamed.

"Making you lose" I said pointing to the screen just as Richie killed him.

"Such a great girlfriend" He said and I laughed.

"I'm going to go take a shower" I said and I walked out of the room.

I grabbed my a baggy shirt of Johnnie's and a pair of underwear and got into the shower. I sang the song that had been stuck in my head almost all day while in the shower which was Tear In My Heart by TØP. 

That was seriously stuck in my head at school today

I got out and put on the clothes and threw my bikini into the dirty clothes hamper then I walked out.

"Richie went ahead and left because it's almost eleven"

"Ok we better set the alarm" I said and we went into the room.

Johnnie set the alarm for nine because we were going to be there at ten.

"Goodnight beautiful" He said wrapping his arms around me.


The next morning

"Wakey wakey" I said to Johnnie and as soon as he opened his eyes I kissed him.

We got up and I picked out an outfit to wear. I picked out leggings and a FIR shirt and changed in front of Johnnie. Then I went into the bathroom and did my makeup and brushed my hair.

"You're so beautiful" Johnnie said and I smiled.

"Come on, we better get to the hospital"

I handed him the keys and we got into the car and he drove us there. We filled out papers and I got a wrist band thing and eventually we went back to a room.

"I would like you to do a urine sample so we can test it" The Doctor said and he handed me a cup.

"How am I supposed to pee in this, I'm not a guy I can't aim"

Johnnie started dying from laughter and the Doctor smiled. He showed me to a bathroom and I went ahead and did it then washed my hands and went back into the bathroom.

"It came back positive" He said and Johnnie and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Congratulations would you like me to check the due date?"

"Yes please" I replied.

Blah blah blah doctor stuff happens...

"December 14th"

"Thank you" I said smiling.

When we got home I tackled Johnnie in a hug onto the couch and he smiled.

"Let's tell Richie"

Phone call

J: Hey Richie
R: Hey Johnnie so what's the news
J: Let's just say I'm going to be a dad!
R: That is amazing, I can't wait to be apart of the babies life
J: I'm gonna go, she wants to tell her mom

End of call

Next call

Ja: Hey mom

M: Hey sweetie

Ja: How old were you when you had me

M: About eighteen why

Ja: Just wondering, but you're going to be a grandma

M: Are you serious

Ja: I can send the tests, we just got back from the appointment

M: That's amazing, listen sweetie I have a date tonight I love you

Ja: Good for you mom, I'm happy you found someone I love you too

Call over

"Johnnie should we tell our fans?" I asked.

"I think we should"

I went to the bathroom and took a picture of the tests and put it on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter. There was instantly so many comments and people couldn't believe us.

"Wanna know what we should do" I said Smiling.


"We should let a fan stay here for a week"

"How did you come up with that idea"

"It just seems fun"

"Let's do it"

"So how should we pick someone" I asked.

"How about an ultimate fan video, who ever sends the best Snapchat video wins"

We posted about the contest and everything on all of our social media and then Johnnie kissed my stomach.

"Even though you're nothing but a little tiny spot I love you already" He said and I smiled.

"I hope the baby is born with your eyes" I said.

Johnnie's eyes are blue and mine are brown but the thing is brown is more dominant so well just have to see I guess.

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now