Chapter Twenty One (Pilots)

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Jasmine's POV: "Excuse me miss but you are being very disrespectful" The mom said.

"Well I don't enjoy being interrogated"

"I don't just want to leave my child here with two complete strangers, I want to make sure she is safe"

"I stopped and offered my own time to help her, why would I harm her in anyway"

"You're right I apologize, here's my number call me when she is ready to leave"

Her mom left and a couple minutes later the pizza came and I got out plates.

"Would you like any water, pop, or juice?" Johnnie asked Brielle.

"Water is fine" She replied.

He got her a glass of water and we all quickly ate and then she took out her homework.

"Are you going to help too?" I asked Johnnie.

"Nah I need to go make a video plus I'm not very good at that stuff"

"Ok I love you"

"I love you too" He said and quickly picked me on the lips then walked off.

"What does he mean make a video?" Brielle asked.

"Johnnie and I make YouTube videos"

"Oh that's so cool, I've was wanted to but my parents won't let me"

"Maybe when you're older, I wasn't allowed to until about six months ago when Johnnie and I had met."

"How did you meet?"

"At Warped Tour

"What did you...."

"I'll answer more questions when we finish your homework" I said cutting her off.

"Ok so Lewis and Clark, that's was easy for me, Lewis and Clark were sent to check out the land from the Louisiana purchase, do you know who sent him?" I asked her.


"It was our third president"

"John Adams?"

"No he was our Second, it was George Washingtons Secretary of State"

"Thomas Jefferson?"

"Yup good job"

"It took me like a thousand hints" She said sighing.

"Hey, don't worry about it some things are harder for some people to learn. I know that very personally and you have me to help you now so don't stress"

"Thank you" She said and I smiled.

"LOOK MY GIRLFRIEND IS SO SMART" Johnnie said coming into the living room with a camera.

"Are you ok with being on camera?" I asked her.


"This is Brielle you guys should all follow her on instagram, I'll make Johnnie put the link in the bio"

"How many subscribers does he have?" Brielle asked me.

"Over 800,000"

"Woah" She replied.

"Babe can you please leave so we can finish, I love you but you gotta go"

He made a pouty lip and then left the room and we turned back to her homework.

Two hours later

"Text me if you need any help" I said as I closed the door.

I walked in our room and Johnnie was editing his video and I sat down on the bed beside him. I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"We should invite Richie over" I said and he handed me his phone.

"I love you" I said kissing him on the lips and he pulled me onto his lap.

He put his hands on my waist and I sat his phone down on the bed and put my hands on his cheeks.

"I love you so much baby" Johnnie said between breaths.

"I love you too" I replied.

We continued to kiss and as we went along it got more intense. Johnnie put his hands under my shirt but I didn't care because I always wear a tank top under my shirts.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to have sex" He told me.

"Do you want me to take my shirt off, I'm wearing a tank top"

"If that's what you want" He said and we pulled away.

He moved his hands away from my waist and I took my shirt off. Of course you could see a bit of cleavage and everything but it wasn't anything too much.

"I don't think Richie needs to come tonight" Johnnie said.

I turned facing towards him and wrapped my legs around his back. I leaned in and we started to kiss again and I kinda felt his um....ya.

"We should make supper" I said pulling away.

"Just a little bit longer?" He asked.

"Let's make supper, take showers and find our outfits for tomorrow then maybe we can do this again."

"But baby"

I got up and started walking out of the room.

"You tease" He said and I laughed.

We decided to just eat the left over pizza from earlier and then I hoped into the shower. When I got out I dressed in spandex and another tank top.

"Can we now" He asked and I laughed.

"Let me pick out my outfit"

I picked out a blue skirt with black leggings and a MCR shirt then he tackled me onto the bed.

"You're all done now" He said smiling.

"Sure am"

He held my arms to the bed and leaned in and kissed me. He is actually a bit aggressive.

"Can we sit up, this is uncomfortable" I said to him and he let me sit up.

"I like these spandex" Johnnie said.

"Why because they're tight?"


"I bet you want to see me in my bra and underwear" I said laughing.

"Well I've seen you in a bikini and it's practically the same sooo do you wanna"

What should I do with them next, should Jasmine reject Johnnie and go to bed or should they go further on comment what you think

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