Chapter Six

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Jasmine's POV: "What is going to happen?" I asked.

"He will have to drive until we are out of gas. He's going to try and stay on the interstate" Grumpy replied.

I was honestly kinda terrified right now, I know the worst it can probably do is flip but still. A little car won't do damage to us but we could kill someone and I wouldn't be able to live with that.

"We'll be ok" Johnnie said.

"Can I go to sleep" I asked.

"Of course, I'll wake you when it is over"

Johnnie's POV: Jasmine fell asleep in my arms and I felt bad for her. I could tell how terrified she was during all of this. I could tell the bus was going faster and faster but I wasn't going to let my nerves get to me. Derek my manager was talking to the driver and trying to think of how to try and waste all this gas before we crashed.

"Derek we'll be fine right?" I asked when he came back in.

"I don't know, he still has over half a tank"

I wanted to talk to Jasmine but I really didn't want to wake her up. She would be extremely nervous the whole time so I should just let her relax. The bus jerked to the right very hard and I fell off the bed with Jasmine falling on top of me.

Jasmine's POV: I woke up on top of Johnnie and I was very confused.

"What happened" I asked.

"We just swerved very hard, it's ok though"

I got off of him and we got back onto the bed and he held onto me again.

"You can go back to sleep" He told me.

"I don't want to"

"Then what do you want to do"

"I want to go out and sit on the couch and watch, no matter what the outcome will still be the same wherever we are"

"Ok but I think it is better off if we crawl instead of walk" He told me and we went to the couch.

"What are you doing here" Derek asked me.

"She wants to watch" Johnnie replied.

"Can I just do one thing in case something happens" I asked him.

"We're going to be fine"

"Can I just in case?"

"Are you talking about this?" Johnnie said and he leaned towards me and reached behind me.

Who thought they were going to kiss XD

He pulled out my phone and handed it to me and I smiled.

"How did you know" I asked.

"Because you're exactly like me" He said laughing.

We started taking pictures together and I texted my friends and everything.

"I don't love you as just a fan Johnnie I love you as in like I love you love you" I told him.

"I know Jasmine"

"I just wanted to make sure you knew that" I replied.

"Oh no..." We heard the driver say.

"What's wrong?" Grumpy asked.

"Traffic Jam"

We all instantly looked out the windshield and there was cars packed everywhere.

"I'm going to have to flip the bus on the side. I'm going to hit the ditch get yourselves secured right now"

Johnnie and I went into the bathroom because we wouldn't be able to get thrown around to much in there. He held his arms around me and we just sat there and waited.

"I'm scared" I told him.

"We'll be ok" He said and he kissed my forehead.

The bus hit a bump and then we felt it flipping and Johnnie tightened his grip on me. The rest went by like a blur but we were ok. The bus stopped moving and we stood up and crawled out. The bus was on its side so it was way too difficult to walk.

"Keep your head down" Johnnie instructed so something bad must of happened to the bus driver or Grumpy.

We got off of the bus and there was cars parked on the side and people walked over to us.

"Are you ok? We called an ambulance" And elderly woman said to us.

"We're ok but we need someone to check on my manager and bus driver, request two ambulances please" Johnnie responded.

"Can I please go check on them" I asked him.

"No it's not safe in there"

The ambulance showed up and it started to rain so a stranger allowed us to sit in their car. Grumpy and the bus driver were both still alive and only had a few broken bones which was good. As for how is all my stuff and Johnnie and I getting to California? We have no clue.

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now