Chapter Thirty One

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Jasmine's POV: "We are going to stop at taco Bell" Grumpy told us.

Johnnie and I waited and sat on the couch until we arrived there. We wouldn't be able to take showers tonight because you know, it's a bus.

"Come on baby" Johnnie said and we got off of the bus.

We all got off including the bus driver his name is Timmy it think. Anyways we walked into Taco Bell and ordered what we each wanted and paid are share of the meal. When we got our food we sat down at a table and went ahead and ate very quickly. The taco bell wasn't going the best with my stomach but it was so good. I held my stomach and stopped eating then Johnnie looked at me.

"Are you alright" He asked me.

"I'm gonna go barf" I said getting up but he followed me.

We went into the family restroom and he held my hair back while I got sick. Once I was done he handed me a paper towel and we went back out.

"Next time I'll make sure we eat somewhere less spicy" He said kissing my forehead.

We got up and went to the bus when we were done and we were right on schedule.

"Bed time" Johnnie said.

"We can't sleep together" I said frowning.

"It's ok"

I laid down on the bottom bank and Johnnie slept on the bottom bank on the opposite side of me.


The next morning

I woke up and once again went straight into the bathroom. I held my hair back and when I was done I walked out and went back to the banks. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, 7:56 great Johnnie won't be awake for another three hours and I won't be able to sleep.

"Hey" I said sitting on the couch.

"Good morning" Timmy replied.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him.

"I sleep while you're doing the whole Warped thing"

"Oh ok well thank you for willingly taking us all over the place"

"It's my job, and I love adventures" He replied and I could tell he was smiling.

"Do you know what would be the best time to schedule a date for the gender appointment?" I asked him.

"We will have an extra hour today when we arrive so go ahead and call now and request an appointment for around eleven"

"Thanks" I said and I pulled out my phone and googled numbers for the hospitals that would be near.

I was able to get an appointment and I was too excited to wait and tell Johnnie.

"Wake up!" I said shaking Johnnie and he slowly opened his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"I GOT AN APPOINTMENT FOR ELEVEN" I screamed and he got off the bank and hugged me.

"What time is it?" He asked me.


"Well let's get dressed and we can figure out what to do with the spare time"

I picked out an outfit and went into the bathroom and put it on. I chose to wear another dress but this time red.

"Beautiful" He said and he kissed me.

"Thank you" I said and I kissed him.

In our spare time we just decided to talk to Timmy and each other. Grumpy was still sleeping so we weren't going to wake him or anything. We could tell Timmy enjoyed the company so of course we were going to talk to him.

"What do you think the baby will be?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure" He replied.

The appointment

We arrived at the hospital and walked in. Timmy and Grumpy were going to wait on the bus for us.

"Appointment for Jasmine Rose" I said to the secretary.

"You can actually head back right now, the door to your left" She said and we walked there.

"Hello Jasmine, if you don't mind can you put this hospital gown on"

"Sure" I said and he walked out.

Johnnie helped me put it on and we told him when we were ready for him to come back in. He had me lay back and lifted the gown. I had underwear on so it was fine. He put that cold gel on my stomach and started using his magical wand and moved it around.

"You're having....

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now