Chapter Eight

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Jasmine's POV: I woke up and the first thing I did was check my phone like any normal person. I had a bunch of twitter notifications but I didn't look at them, I could later if I wanted to. I got out of the bed and felt coldness all over me and I looked down and realized I only wore Johnnies shirt to bed. Underwear of course also.

"Hey your stuff is here" Johnnie said walking in.

We walked outside and started carrying in boxes. Johnnie mailed the other guys stuff to them after we went inside. I quickly put all of my things away into the room and went back out to where Johnnie was.

"Why don't you change, then we can go grab something to eat and go shopping" Johnnie told me.

I went back to my room and changed out of his shirt. I changed into a black skirt with a hello kitty shirt. I quickly did my hair and makeup then grabbed my shoes and walked back to the living room again.

"I want to see how well you drive" Johnnie said tossing the keys to me.

We got into his car and I got behind the wheel. He help on to what I call the oh crap handle and then I backed out of the driveway.

"Are you alright with going to wendys" He asked.


"Alright my a right at the first light and it will come up on your left"

I continued to drive until I got to the turn and then obviously I turned. We arrived at Wendy's and went in and we etched ordered our food. We hurried and ate and then Johnnie drove us to the store.

"Alright we need to get you shampoo, conditioner, body wash and all your other bathroom stuff. You get yours and I'll get mine"

We went into different aisles and grabbed the things we needed and when I walked to the aisle Johnnie was in I saw he had his camera.

"Oh God you're doing a vlog aren't you"

"Indeed, say hiiiii"

"No thanks" I said walking away.

"Touché" Johnnie said poking me in the butt with pool noodle.


"It was supposed to hit your back" He instantly replied.

We ended up having a sword fight and he sat his camera down on the shelf. The next thing I know stuff started falling from the top of the shelf randomly. Johnnie grabbed his camera and we ran out of the aisle dodging things that were falling near us and went out in the open. It was the aisle with all the board games so that would have felt nice to get a sharp corner to the head.

"Cheese and Rice" I said as we got out.

"Somebody had to of been doing that" Johnnie replied.

We walked over to the next aisle but didn't see anyone there. There was absolutely no way they fell on their own, and Walmart isn't haunted last time I checked.

"There's a random number calling me" I said pulling my phone out.

I answered it and put it on speaker and it was some sort of robotic voice.

"He's mine" They said and hung up.

"I think you had a stalker" I told Johnnie.

"Actually I think you do" He replied.

"Hey I just got a text from my manager Derek. He said to text this detective about information on the bus"

Johnnie inserted the number and sent a message.

J is Johnnie D is Detective obviously

J: Hey this is Johnnie Guilbert, I was told by my manager to contact you.

D: Oh yes, I'm detective Benson and it seems that someone had cut your bus brake lines.

J: Well what does that mean?

D: Is there anyone that has something against you?

J: There's this person that kind of threatened my friend Jasmine, she was on the bus.

D: I'd like you both to cone to my office later today if you are free.

J: Alright

That means someone really does have something out for us. Or me....something, I'm not sure yet. Somebody purposely tried to hurt us, but if they wanted Johnnie then why would they put him in danger on that bus?

"Let's hurry and get some food and drop it off at the house so we can go see the detective" Johnnie said and I pushed the cart to the grocery side of Walmart.

We got things like pizza rolls, pop, juice, little debbies and things to actually make food of course. So eggs, sandwich cheese, bread. All that sort of crap. We paid for everything and he quickly drove back to his house, under the speed limit of course. We hurried and put everything away wherein needed to go and then Johnnie followed the address to the department.

"Hi I'm Johnnie Guilbert, we're here to see Detective Benson"

"That's me cone on back"

He followed the middle aged man back to his office and he sat at a desk. We sat in two chairs in front of the desk and then he took a voice recorder out.

"Do you mind if I record this?" He asked.

"Go ahead" Johnnie replied.

"So was the bus thing the first time something happened?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Has anything else happened ever since the bus?"

"Well while we were at the store today, right before you called us a bunch of stuff we falling from the top shelf by us. Then I got an anonymous call and it was a robotic voice. They only said he's mine and hung up."

"Do you mind if we put a tap on your phone so we can listen in on your calls. That way we can track it if it happens again" Detective Benson asked.

"Go ahead" I said handing him my phone and he did some stuff and handed it back.

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant