Chapter Four

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Jasmine's POV: I changed and laid down on my bed then closed the curtain for privacy. I was about to start crying when Johnnie came up and pulled the curtain back.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"There is no way I will ever see you again after this"

"Yes you will, heck you're a pretty cool girl I'd let you move in with me"

"No you wouldn't I'm a stranger"

"Wanna bet?" He replied smiling.

"You and your mother are invited to stay in my house in California with me"

"Why, why us? There isn't anything special about us" I asked taking deep breaths to stop from crying.

"Jasmine I've never met someone like you, you're a friend I never want to lose. We can also start your YouTube career"

"I'll....I'll ask my mom when we get there"

"Ok but when we drop you off we have to get this bus back on a certain time so you'll have to drive there or something"


"We took care of it don't worry, it's safely at your house now"

"Can I get some rest" I asked him.

"Of course but you need to eat first"

He practically pulled me out of the bed and we sat on the floor by the bunks together. I don't know what the purpose of this was but whatever I'll go with it.

"Wake me up when we get to a food place" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

Johnnie's POV: I had meant everything I said about her and her mother moving in with me. I feel like Jasmine is a one of a kind girl and I don't want to lose that. She thinks it was so amazing to find me but I feel the exact same way about her. Maybe one day we'll be more than friends...I don't know.

"Wake the girl, we're at Golden Corral"

Jasmine's POV: Johnnie woke me up by gently nudging me and I sat up. Grumpy was hovering over us and honestly it was tempting to punch him right in the nose.

"We're going to golden corral" Johnnie told me.

We stood up and followed Grumpy into the restaurant and got our seats. Next we waited a little bit before we went to the buffet. Then of course we ate as Johnnie and I talked and Grumpy gave us the stank eye the entire time.

We got back onto the bus and it was already time to go again. We would be at my house in three hours, that will be the last time I see Johnnie Guilbert.

"I'm going to bed" I said as tears rushed down my face.

I went to my bunk and pulled the curtain shut and began to start bawling my eyes out and I heard Johnnie coming so I pretended to be asleep. Facing the opposite way of him of course.

"I love you" I heard him whisper and he kissed my cheek.

Wait what. No. He did not just say he loves me. I'm dreaming, this is a dream. Wait but he kissed me to what.

I kept my eyes shut and he closed the curtain again and I just went to sleep. I don't want to over think anything.

Three hours later (6 am)

Johnnie woke me up and I walked into my house. He was going to wait until my mom made her decision to leave.

"Mom...Johnnie asked if we want to move in with him"

"You barely know him"

"We'll ya but you've always wanted to move to California and he's a really nice guy and mom I think I'm in love with him"

"I'm not going to move...but you can. As long as you promise to continue your schooling"

"I promise mom!!! I love you"

I walked back onto the bus smiling like an idiot and Johnnie came over and hugged me.

"My mom said I can move in but she doesn't want to"

"Well if you can pack fast enough we can leave right now" Grumpy told me.

Johnnie and I went inside and he helped me start packing as did my mom. I was going to miss my mom but it's ok, I'll be back soon to visit. The last thing I decided to pack was my laptop which was for my schooling and then we were off on the road again.

"Johnnie.....when you said I love you last night. Were you saying it to me?"

"I...I um..."

"I...I love you too" I said and he smiled.

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now