Chapter Fifteen

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Two months later

Jasmine's POV: School had just ended (yes I convinced my mother) and I was walking home when I received a text from Johnnie.

J: Jasmine you can come back, they have her going for trial tomorrow
Ja: I don't know if I want to
J: come on please I miss you
Ja: I'll think about it

Johnnie and I had ended up getting back together like a week after I left and we've just been doing a long distance thing. I've been wanting to see him but I'm not sure if it will be the same anymore.

"Hey sweetie, there's some McDonalds on the table" my mom said as soon as I walked in.

"Mom can we talk" I asked and she came into the kitchen.

"What's the matter?"

"Johnnie said I can cone back now, he said the girl has trial tomorrow which probably means I have to testify if I go back"

"Are you going to go back" She asked.

"I'm not sure"

"Well why don't you eat and think about it, after all you have school now"

"What if he can come here, he can sleep in the guest room at least until graduation"

"It would be easier if you move there and you go to a school in California" She told me.

"I guess so, I'll text him"

Ja: I decided I'll come but I need to go to a school in Cali, I don't do homeschooling anymore
J: I'll get it set up for when you come
Ja: Thanks I'll try and get a plane there before tomorrow

I took out my laptop and went on the website of the airport that was nearest. There was a flight for tomorrow leaving at noon so I decided I would go then.

"I called your school and let them know you will no longer be attending" My mom told me.

"Ok I'm leaving the house around eleven tomorrow because the plane takes off at noon"

"I'm going to miss you sweetie"

"I'll miss you too but don't worry"

I grabbed a pair of pajamas and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I was going to just go ahead and pack and pick out my clothes for tomorrow though. After my shower I grabbed all my dirty clothes and did a load of laundry.

I don't know what to write so

Back in Cali

I was back in Johnnies house, or should I say our house? Anyways I was back and unpacked and then he came in.

"I missed you" He said kissing me.

"I missed you too" I replied.

"Detective Benson said you don't have to testify, it can just be me and her if you don't feel up for it"

"OK good because I would rather not"

"Ok I love you" He said kissing my cheek.

"I love you too"

Johnnie was busy getting ready and ideas on my phone like usual. We had to wear something nice because I mean geez we were going to be in a court room. I was wearing the black dress I had wore to warped that one day and Johnnie came in wearing a suit.

"I don't think you have to be that dressy" I told him.

"I want to look as great as you"

"That was cringey" I replied and he laughed.

"We better get going" He said so we got in our car.

Johnnie had ended up buying a car for us to share because we got tired of strangers taking us everywhere. I mean, it's kind of awkward. I sat in the passenger side and Johnnie drove because he is a WAY better driver than me.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"I would only be nervous if I had done something wrong" He replied.

I held his hand while he drove and sang along to the radio on our way there because why not.

"I love you so much" He said out of the blue.

"I love you too" I said and then continued to sing.

Johnnie Guilbert Is The Love Of My LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant