Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jasmine's POV: I woke up around ten and my stomach was feeling kind of funky. I walked into the bathroom and waited for a few minutes and then I started getting sick.

"And so it begins" I mumbled to myself.

"Are you ok" Johnnie asked walking in.

"Morning sickness" I replied.

He handed me a towel and I wiped my mouth of and he went and got me a glass of water. I took a drink and swished it around in my mouth and spit it into the toilet. I flushed the toilet and Johnnie helped me up.

"Good morning" I said peeking into Bella's room.

"Morning" She replied rubbing her eyes.

"Pancakes or waffles" I asked her.


"Chocolate chips or M&Ms"

"Chocolate chips"

I walked into the kitchen and took out a pan and the pancake mix. I mixed the pancake mix together and then added some chocolate chips. Once they were finished Bella came into the kitchen and I handed her One. Next I gave Johnnie his and sat down at the table while they ate.

"Aren't you eating" She asked.

"I'm not hungry"

"You have to eat" Johnnie told me.

"I will in a little bit I promise"

They finished their food and threw the plates away because they were just paper and I went to get dressed. I put on a pair of black Jean shorts and a white tank top and then walked back out to where they were.

"What time do you guys want to go to the park" Johnnie asked.

"We probably shouldn't wait until it's really hot so around noon would be best"

It was already 11:30 so they both got ready and I poured myself some orange juice into a cup to take with me. I got them each a cold bottle of water out and they eventually came out.

"It's still gonna be hot so we have to stay hydrated" I said handing the waters to them.

"Why don't we go swimming afterwards" Johnnie suggested.

"Bella do you have a swim suit?" I asked her.


"Would you like to go swimming after we go to the park"


We grabbed our things and walked drove to the park so we could just go straight to the pool After. Once we got there it was already almost ninety degrees so yup that sucked. We went over and sat in the shade but I could tell Bella was getting way too hot.

"Why don't we go ahead and swim" I said and she agreed.

Johnnie drove us to the pool and I sat in the back with Bella so she wouldn't feel left out. Once we got to the pool we paid and everything like last time and then changed in the bathrooms. Next we found a place to sit out stuff and we went into the water.

"Maybe this time the freezing water will feel good" I said.

As soon as we got in it was cold like usual but it actually did feel good. The first set thing I did was just go under and get it over with then Johnnie and Bella did the same.

"Are you cold in there?" Johnnie asked poking my stomach.

"I totally forgot you were pregnant" Bella said.

"Well at the moment you can't really tell so I don't blame you"

We did a couple games like who could swim the fastest and who could hold their breath the longest but then it was time for the life guards break so we had to wait ten minutes. This is when people normally get snacks and everything so that's what we did. We went to the snack bar thing and looked at the list and we all decided to get a slice of pizza.

"I love your hair" The girl said as she handed us our pizza.

"Thanks" I replied smiling.

We walked away and sat down on the ground by our stuff and hurried and ate. My appetite was back now so I'm fine.

Shout out to Glorious_Rumble because at the moment I'm trying to update and she keeps commenting so I keep stopping to check it

Once the break was over we threw our plates away and went back into the water. Due to being out of it for so long we had to get used to the water all over again so yay. It took about five minutes and we were used to the water again though so that's good.

"Oh looks who's here" A girl from school said coming up to us.

"We aren't allowed to swim?" I asked her.

"I figured you'd be at home making more babies"

"At least I have someone that actually loves me, that ISN'T my parents" I replied smiling.

"Whatever emo freak"

"Seeya when you come up with better come backs" I said and she stopped off.

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