Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Will you marry me?" asked Royce with that amazing face of his. How could I say no?!

"Of course!" I responded suprised, happy, in shock, crying a river, etc.

"Don't cry baby! You're supposed to be happy!"

"I am but this is too much! I love you con todo mi corazon!" he stood up and gave me a hug then he wiped away my tears and soon we were in this make out session. Suddenly, I found myself kissing my pillow. It was that dream again. Damn it... I got up and went into the bathroom to that a quick shower. Once I got out, I picked out my outfit. Dark skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, black Vans, and a purple flower pattern scarf. My hair was perfectly down and in waves. I started to look for my purse because I would go across the street to get Starbucks. I found it and started going out the door when an envelope caught my attention. It had been slipped in through the bottom crack of my apartment door. I picked it up and started opening it. Soon, I regreted opening it and broke down in tears...


WOAH. WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?! Hopefully it wasn't a boring chapter. Keep in mind, I am new to the Wattpad community and I barely know how to use it>_< But I'm learning...

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