Chapter 13: Hurt

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*Next Morning*

Luz and I woke up and both took showers. Later, we met up with the band and Sergio and had breakfast.

Luz went back into her room since the stage check would be until 5pm and the show started at 9pm.
*Fast Forward to During The Stage Check*

"The lights are done Mr. Rojas. All we need is sound check and rehearse the songs and stuff" the man with the headset called.

"Alright here we go then!" I said through the microphone.

Luz was backstage getting my outfit ready. She wasn't acting herself which worried me but I decided to leave her alone for now.

We got through all the songs and everything and soon it was time to get everything ready.

"Mr. Rojas, go get ready! People will start to come in at this time"

"Okay Mike! Thanks!" I answered. Mike was the guy with the headset.

"Here you go! I made this outfit so you could move around and still be comfortable. I'll be walking around backstage just look for me so I can do your hair too"

"Alrighty. Thanks Amor!" I said. I tried giving her a kiss on the forehead but she left before I could make the gesture.

Royce's show was about to begin in a few. I needed to walk around and relieve some stress. I walked around waving hi to people and making small talk with them.

Sergio was no where to be found... Which scared me but yet felt relieved.

Too bad I spoke too soon.

In a matter of minutes Sergio was walking past me.

His hand brush against my right thigh. He pinned me to the wall and to my misfortune nobody was around.

"I hope you know what's right for you and your little boyfriend. You better not tell him shit about what I'm doing or going to do to you because if you do, not only will I make YOU pay but also Royce. Understood?"

I was so pissed. How could he do this considering he got beat up badly by Gio?! I did the first thing that came to mind. Kicked him where it hurt the most.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" and I ran to Royce's room.

"Omg!" I was trying to catch my breath when Royce opened the door.

"Luz! I'm re--- What happened?" he asked wide eyed.

"Nothing! Just mini work out!" I said. I was not telling him about Sergio anytime soon.

Without another word I quickly went inside and did his hair. Royce hurried off and did his show while I stay in his dressing room. With the door lock. Every time I heard someone run passed the door I jumped, paranoid.
"See, I knew you'd cooperate chiquita"

"What do you mean cooperate?! I WAS FORCED TO DO THIS SHIT! How could you?!" tears filled my eyes and I watched as he buttoned up his shirt. I was only in my panies and bra.

Stand By Me: A Prince Royce FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora