Chapter 30: Depressed and Scarred

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"NO, NO PLEASE NO. STOP NOOOOOOOOO!" Luz screamed. Immediately, I jumped up and held Luz so close to me I could feel her shaking.

"Luz, calm down preciosa te tengo okay? You are safe with me love I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you... ever again" I rocked her back and forth and all you could hear were her quiet sobs.

"I'm--- I'm sorry Geoff. I-- I didn't mean to--- To wake you up... I just---"

"Don't be sorry Luz, I understand. I'm always here for you hermosa and you know it" I whispered to her and kept rocking her back and forth.

"I think I may need help..." she whispered.

"Don't worry. I'll help you get it" Everything was quiet for a bit.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Ana and Carlito came running in.

"Just a bad dream... Nothing serious. I'm fine" Luz wiped her tears away and looked at Ana.

"Alright. We'll be in the guest room if you need us" Ana looked at Luz then me then walked out with Carlito.

"You sure you okay? Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Can we talk about something else? Anything..." she replied.

"Hmmm... Okay well, I'm falling for this girl" I said. That got her attention. She looked at me immediately.

'What the f*ck did I just do. It kind of just randomly came out... Oh Geoffrey... I hope you don't get more into the friendzone. You probably f*cked up big time...' I thought.

"Really? That's new... Tell me about her" Luz relaxed a bit.

"Well she's gorgeously perfect in my eyes and she understands me like no one else. I just fell in love with her. Slowly but then all at once" Luz kind of smiled at the last part.

"Really? Does she know?"

"Don't think so. Right now, I think she's too broken to notice my love... but I'm willing to help her get unbroken"

"Awh that's so sweet of you! She'll probably fall in love with you"

"Really? What's one song that you think I should dedicate a girl so she could fall for me?"

"Well, your songs are pretty romantic... How about Incondicional ?" She suggested.

"Sigo aqui

Apesar de lo malo

De ese obscuro pasado

Siempre estoy junto a ti

Sigo aqui

Abrazando a lo nuestro

A este amor tan imenzo

Que no sabe morir"

I was basically getting serenaded by the love of my life.

"Eh llorado tanto mas que el cielo lagrimas de dolor" he softly started cresenting my cheek then we laid down.

"Royce I---"

"Shhhhh! Luz, I love you and, I understand its too soon to like,fall in love again but give it time, give me time, give us time..." He took me and wrapped me in his warmth. It felt like home... Something I've been wanting to feel for a long time.

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