Chapter 19: Reunited and Forgetting

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"Holy sh*t!" I sat up in my bed and put my hand on my chest and started breathing heavily.

I was missing Royce and my cheeks werw soaking wet with tears.

It was 9am according to my clock on my night stand and it was Wednesday which meant Online Classes and I had to go shopping.

I got on my laptop and did some classes then I got dressed and went to the mall. Since this was my first time shopping undercover it was very hard. People stared at me like a crazy pshyco because I was wearing sunglasses in a mall which wasn't the problem. The problem was the hoodie and beanie.

"Ma'am please take off your hoodie" a security officer ordered me.

"But sir I can't, it won't be pretty if I do"

"Ma'am you are probably beautiful underneath and no one cares anyways so please take it off"

This guy didn't understand "But officer I'm telling you i--"

"Take it off or we will have to throw you out" he said in a more demanding voice.

"Ugh! Okay but don't tell me I didn't warn you" I said taking it off.

"OMG ITS LUZ MORALES!!!! LUZ!!!!" A group of girls screamed.

Holy mother of Yebus.

"Oh my word" the officer whispered.

The group made its way fast in our direction.

"Luz sign this! Omg please sign this over here! Luz over here!" it felt like a thousand phones were being pointed my way and a thousand things were being put in my way for me to sign.

NO ONE TOLD ME HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS!!! So I played it off like any celebrity would, or at least Royce would. I signed whatever it was they wanted me to sign and I took a picture with whoever asked for it.

"Luz you are so pretty! Please do my makeup for my quince!"

"Awh you are so young and of course I will! Contact me on my Facebook or whatever other social media" I gave the girl a wink and moved on to the next person.

About an hour and a half later the last person walked out of the mall.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen"

"Next time,take my word for it to avoid all this" I said taking my bags and heading to my car.

All this tired me out so I drove to a Starbucks and since it wasn't crowded at all, I didn't wear a beanie or hoodie.

"Thank you!" I told the cashier while I took out my wallet.

"No problem at all! Aren't you the famous stylist Luz Morales?"

"Why yes I am! Anything I can do for you?" I said giving him a warm smile.

"Actually can the staff and I take a picture with you? You're actually the only famous person we've had around here"

"It would be my pleasure!" I exclaimed putting my drink down.

The staff lined up on the left and right of me and they snapped the picture. I left right after.

It was 5:00pm which was pretty early for me.

I got home and immediately regretted it so I cleaned the whole house. Top to bottom, left to right, every little nook and crammy. By the time I was done, it was 7 and I could cook a little something for myself and sleep. But before that, Ana called me.

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