Chapter 44: An Abrupt 'The End'

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"Calm down! I just forgot Ana took both my towels. Can you bring them to me please?" I asked nervously. The water was running and I was in the shower.

"Uh sure" Carlito answered. He sounded a little distant so I'm guessing he was on the other end of my bedroom door.

Carlito walked off to Ana's bedroom and in no time he was back.

"Um okay so how do---"

"Ima unlock the door and I'll let you know when you come in" I told him.

"Uh o--ookay" he answer.

Ugh this was going to be awkward. Quickly I carefully stepped out of the shower and walked to the door. I unlocked it and went back in the shower.

"You can come in now" I said.

I covered myself as much as I could which was almost impossible since the shower door was glass.

Carlito walked in and had his head down with his hand over his eyes. Thank God.

"Just leave them right there thanks" I said.

He dropped them and left. Before he left, he made sure the door was locked again.


"So you think that's it?" I asked Ana as we got inside the car.

"I'm pretty sure. But I'm also sure that I don't think she'll approve of you spending all this money on her. You know how she is" Ana said.

"But I'd do anything for her"

"I really love that relationship you have with her. I'm so happy she found her guy"

I chuckled "Thanks. I really love Luz. She got me crazy crazy" I sang.

Ana laughed and we kept talking until we got home.

Sobs were coming from the living room. Hard sobs. Sobs I recognized and it belonged to only one person.

"Luz hey ma she's in a better place okay?"

"Carlito its just you don't understand!!! I could've helped her but no. I never once tried contacting her since she and I separated. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE PAIN NOW" Luz just kept sobbing and sobbing.

Ana and I left the things inside since we didn't want Luz seeing.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Ana and I said in unison.

"Like you would care" Luz got up and went to her bedroom.

"Luz wait!" Ana ran to Luz and grabbed her arm.

"YOU TOO PUTA. LEAVE ME ALONE" Luz yelled and ran.

"Ohmygosh what happened Carlito?!" Ana exclaimed.

"Luz lost one of her friends. Shes heart broken at the moment"

"What?" Ana choked out.

"Her friend. She died. Her name was Vivian I think"

Vivian... I clearly remember meeting her and seeing her a whole bunch of other times.

"How did that happen?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I didn't ask her"

"I'm gonna go check up on her" I said and started walking towards her room.

"Luz, you okay?" I asked while knocking lightly.

"Does it looking like I am? Did you have fun? Without me" Luz started back up with her tears.

"What do you mean babe? I missed you" I walked into her room and placed my hand on her side.

"Just don't" and she brushed my hand way.

She was turned towards me and I could clearly see her puffy red eyes. She made no effort to make eye contact with me at all.

"What else is bother you?" I asked.

"Humans in general. I'm mad at myself. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at the world. And all I desire... All my little broken heart desires is to be left alone. To die. And not have anyone else care for me. Because that's what's happening right now. I have no one that truly loves me. Someone that truly---"

"Luz you know I'd KILL to make you happy right? Is that not enough?"

"Oh really? You'd KILL JUST TO MAKE ME HAPPY?! What if I don't want you to kill?"

"I'd do anything"

"Oh please Geoffrey. If that's so, why don't you leave that little hoe of yours?"

"Hoe? What are you talking about Luz you know I'd NEVER cheat on you"

"Quit lying and leave me alone"

What scared me the most is that Luz might actually mean it. She might actually let me go. Throw everything I have done for us away. And I could afford to leave her again. Without her it just wouldn't be the same. Leaving her would be leaving a great friendship we built together.

"I don't understand you Luz" I simply replied.

"Just leave" she replied in a tone of voice I've never heard her use unless she was talking to her family when they pissed her off.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" I was on the verge of tears myself.

"I can't" her voice trembled.

"Why not?" my voice cracked just a bit.

"Because if I did I could---" and she just let it out. Just like that.

All I did was hug her. I hugged her tight and let all her tears fall on me. And I won't complain. I couldn't complain because if this is how I could stay by her side then I wasn't going to complain.

Luz was a strong girl. She had been through her own hell and back by herself. And I knew it was a struggle for her. She basically grew up by herself, not physically but mentally and emotionally. But now it was different because she had me. And I was planning to go through this with her.

I let some tears of my own out that night. All I remember was laying in bed all night with Luz. Her long hair was parted to one side and I was brushing it with my fingers all night. Her tears kept running all night and so were mine but mine were coming out silently.


THE END OMFG THE END WOOP WOOP. I swear I will try my best to make the sequel 10000000000000x better!

What did you guys think?

Not sure about the sequel. Might start that when school starts and I start getting my schedule of the day (: but who knows? I might get an idea for the beginning and I'm a short term memory person (a lot of people know this) and I'll probably start it soon. Who knows???

Wow. The end to Ruz for a while... Yea its hitting me right about......... NOW :'(

Ha but overall I didn't like this lol.

Babes I love you all and see you soon :*

I'll try to inform yall about the sequel ASAP.


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