Chapter 21: It's Not Happening, Oh Wait, Its Happeneing

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A month passed and Enrique didn't come back since that day... But other things did happen.

Of course since I was in Texas my family looked for me and it just so happened that they successfully found me. I believe it was Ana's way of saying she was majorly pissed at me.

"Honey I'm so glad to see you" I wasn't feeling that anger I usually did towards them.

"Oh nice to see you too mother"

She came over to hug me and I returned the gesture. Then my dad came over to do the same.

We conversated a little.

"Luz, your father and I were planning a family reunion and we would love it if you joined us" I thought about it a little. A family reunion wasn't so bad plus I "needed to get out more."

"When is it?"


"Can I stay at---"

"Of course amor! Stay there as long as you like"

"I'll only stay a night" I went into my bedroom to start packing.

20 minutes later I was in the back seat of my parents car, on my way to Dallas. I put my headphones on and fell into a deep sleep.

4 hours later we finally arrived.

"Make yourself at home. You can go upstairs to the guest room. It'll be the last room down the hall on your right"

"Okay thanks Daddy--" I paused a moment while my dad came in carrying my suitcase. I walked upstairs and crashed on the bed.

I woke up nauseated and of course I threw up but I paid absoulutly no attention to that. I thought it was the food.

I woke up around 3am and couldn't go back to sleep so I turned on the TV and of course I was on a headline about my surprise stuff I'm doing for my fans.

Finally 10am came around and I got up and took a shower. I changed into high waisted jeans, a tucked in red tank top, a black Cardigan over it and more Red Toms. As you could tell, I had a little obsession over Toms. I left my hair in its waves and applied some hair gel.

"Hello mija time for breakfast!" my mom called from the kitchen.

"Goodmorning momma"

"Morning Mija!" she put a plate in front of me with a pancake and then she put a stack full of pancakes and another plate full of fruit.

"Thanks mom you didn't have to" I said giving her a warm smile.

"Mija no te preocupes its okay I love you" she returned the warm smile and I finally felt at home again. Then my dad came downstairs and joined us.

"How are my two loves doing?" he went over to hug my mom and give her a kiss and he came to give me a hug.

"GoodMorning Dad"

"Buenos Dias Princesa como amaneciste?"

"Bien y tu?"

"Bien gracias a Dios"

We kept making small talk here and there and I went back upstairs while I waited for this family reunion to start.

At 8pm we headed out the door. Like always, it was hot especially in Texas.

We arrived and the whole salon was packed. My mom had told me my Tia's decided to make this a big deal kind of like a quinceañera, they even had security, just because they wanted to.

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