Chapter 20: The Counseling Worked

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Hey guys! On my last update I meant June not April! I went back and corrected that. Okay now y'all may continue reading (;


The last couple of weeks were hell. All work and more work. For some weird reason I prohibited myself from having any type of fun.

"Luz come on let's go! You've been working your butt off this month! Its time to let loose!" Ana pulled my arm but I refused. I was working on a research project anyways.

"Ana I can't! Quit bugging me I need to finish this research paper and you know I hate doing stuff last minute!"

"When is it due?"


"Its Friday! At least come for an hour and you can come back!"

"No thanks go have fun for me"

"Luz you're such a party pooper"

"Yea whatever bye" I pushed her out of my apartment and she left.

I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Another knock on my door...

"QUE QUIERES ANA I TOLD YOU NO ALREADY!!!" I yelled but when I fully opened the door it was Bryan.

"Bryan?! Gosh I'm so sorry!!! I thought you were Ana since she just left and she kept bugging me to go with her but I refused and..." I was out of breathe from talking without breathing.

"First of all, breathe!" Bryan said putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Second, why don't you wanna go out?"

"Well because I..." I fiddled with my hair tips.

"I'm not a party person I just prefer books, studying, the comfort of my house..."

"Luz, you really need to go out and be social"

"You know I suck at that"

"Ni madres! You are so much social then you were back in elementary school"

"Yea but not anymore I'm tired"

Bryan sat on the couch and I sat on a stool that went with my counter.

"Don't you ever get lonely?" He asked.

"I like peace and quiet and loneliness"

"Wow Luz, you basically live in a cave"

"If that's what you wanna call it then yea" I made him smile.

"I'll leave because yo si voy"

"Sure have fun for me"

"You sure you don't wanna go?"

"I'm fine go have fun" he left taking one last look back.

I walked back to my desk and got back to work.



Finally June 24th came around which meant school was out!

Ana came by to invite me to a pool party but I had a good excuse not to go. Girl probsss.

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