Chapter 25: Found

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"Are you sure this'll work Ana?" Carlito asked nervously.

"If he doesn't agree by the easy way then we'll do it the hard way" She put it in her purse and hopped in the car.

"Royce, wait for us at the near by curb. Remember, don't let him see you"

"Alright" and Royce also got in his car and drove the opposite direction from Carlito and Ana, as to not attract unwanted attention.

Moments later they were waiting for Arturo. They didn't know what to expect so they were alert at all times.

"Its almost 11pm, are you sure he said---"

"I think that's them..." Ana was pointing to a little old car that was driving by and pulled into the alleyway. Ana and Carlito were right outside the alleyway.

"Yea that's them" Ana and Carlito made their way out of their car and towards Arturo.

Soon, Arturo got out also.

"Hola beautiful. ¿Como has estado?"

"Shut up. I came here for Luz and---"

"Ummm... We haven't gone through how you and I will work out" By now Carlito had made his way to Ana's side, ready for a fight.


Arturo was making this hard. He really did want me back. I would want him back too but after what he did to Luz, I'm never forgiving him ever again.

"The police is here" Royce whispered into my earpiece which was concealed by my hair. The plan was going good so far.

"Okay but first prove to me that you have Luz"

"Alright..." Arturo walked back to the car and mentioned me over.

"Ana---" Carlito grabbed my arm and held me back as if warning me not to go.

"I'll be fine" I whispered to him.

I turned back to Arturo and made my way, slowly, towards where he stood. He was by the door of the back seat.

"See" he pointed to the inside of the car.

In the back seat I saw a girl fast asleep. Her breathing was normal and she was curled up in a little ball.

"What did you do to her?!" I half yelled.

"Sleeping medicine. She had a cold anyways"

Anger traveled all over my body and it was demanding to be let out but I couldn't let it out just yet.

"Believe me now?" I turned to face Arturo. He was inches away from me.

"Que quieres"

"Come with me back to Mexico" Arturo looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"Arturo estas loco, I have a life here and I just can't pack up and leave. I have people I love and goals I have to achieve, I can't leave. I just can't"

"Yes you can! Te puedo dar todo lo que quieres y mas!"

"No. Otravez cosa pero eso no" I looked back inside the window to see Luz still fast asleep.

Arturo gave me a look that could kill.

"Danos a Luz" I demanded.

"HOW YOU GONNA GO DENYING ME LIKE THAT WHEN YOU CLEARLY STILL LOVE ME ANA HUERTA!" then he pushed me to the floor and started kicking me.

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