Chapter 40: Prove It

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"But babe why didn't you..."

"Okay Royce okay I get it! You're really pissed off at me. Ta bien. Me vale madres now take us home" I said. More like yelled. I called Royce at 12am to pick me up from Vanessa's house. It was an instinct type of thing but obviously Royce didn't hesitate but he was a bit pissed.

So here we were in 40 degree weather with the heater on. Royce took the long way to may house because the main road was filled with crazy people at this hour and Vanessa kindly let me borrow a blanket.

"Look love, I'm sorry for worrying so much" Royce kept his eyes on the road but held out his hand, signaling me to wrap mine with his.

"Its okay" I put my hand in his. It was warm and soft. Just how I remember.

We kept making small talk here and there. He kept teasing me and making me sexually want him.

"Don't touch me" I finally said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked innocently. He wasn't touching my women parts or anything but something about his touch just made me want him. I was probably so frustrated at the world, I needed sexual healing.

I stared at the road for a minute. Nothing but more road up ahead. We kept driving and driving and we passed a couple houses and other cars but nothing big.

Finally we made it to the huge field of what used to be corn. Since it was November almost everything looked dead but the leaves gave everything a nice, colorful look.

"Wow! The view over here it gorgeous!" I stared out the window and you could see about a million plus stars out there.

"I love it" Royce commented. I pressed the button to put the window down and stuck my head out a little to take a better look. Everything was illuminated by all the stars and then, of course, the moon. It was beautiful.


I found an entrance to where I could park the car next to a tree. Which had no leaves on it but it was still a nice view. They sky was what impressed Luz and I.

"What are you doing?" Luz stuck her head back in the car and looked concerned.

"Parking the car so we can admire the view. Duh" I said sarcastic. Luz turned her gaze back to the sky.

"Well pardon me Mr. Rojas"

"You are truly forgiven Mrs. Rojas" She turned back to look at me. I just gave her a wink.

I checked my watch and it was 12:30am. Perfect timing! I gave a yawn.

"You don't wanna go home?" Luz asked.

"Nah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I gave her a tired smile.

"Not everything's about me ya know" she tried snuggling next to me as best as she could but it was hard, considering we were in a car.

"Actually to me yes"

"How come?"

"Because I love you... duh"

"Do you? Mr. Rojas. Do your really mean that 'I love you'?"

"I mean it"

"Then prove it..."


Short Update? Short Update. (:

I was so darn bored and I can't sleep so I was like "Let's write!" and my fingers were like "Yes!!" for once cx

Oh shieeet. Wutttt. Horny Luz or nah. Lmao yea well...

Will Royce hesitate?

Probably extending this story just because I don't want to rush it and stuff. Hope you guys understand <3


Okay comment and vote loves.


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