Chapter 3: The Encounter

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At the library, it was pretty lonely. Besides the librarian and a man using the computer. I had to get a library card first because I had never been here. After, I took a look at teen fiction. My favorite. I took 2books and went to check them out. Outside, it was gray and raining. I saw lightning and once in a while you could hear thunder.

I took a seat on a table by the window and stared at the rain. It made me think of my family. They were hard to cope with but they were my family. I didn't know if I wanted to see them again or not. Then I thought about Vivian and how she had always been there through the good&bad.

The bills weren't such a big of a deal. My job paid pretty good anyways. But my family problems were consuming me so much that I didn't know what to do anymore. I was having some thoughts...

"Stop it Luz." I told myself.

The thoughts haunted me until I couldn't take it.

Leaving the books behind I started walking towards the doors leading out into the cold rain. I knew it wouldn't do me good but I wanted to clear my head a little...

As I stepped outside a rush of cold air hit my bare arms and I started getting goosebumps but I gave them no attention. I turned right and started running as fast as I could. I ran and ran, not knowing where I was going then I finally tripped on and uneven crack on the side walk and went face first onto the concrete.

Thankfully, I put my hands out in time to catch myself from busting my jaw or anything but I still got cuts and bruises on my hand.

I kneeled down and examined my hands as if I'd never seen cuts before. The cuts started stinging with the rain water pouring on them. I leaned on the brick wall of a building and sat down with my knees to my chest and head in my knees. I put my hand over my head and cried.

I cried because I couldn't take it anymore. I had no clue what to do. No clue who to go to. No clue how to handle this.

Obviously, I couldn't alone. This was a hard decision. Look for my parents. Keep my problems to myself. Tell Vivian.

But she won't be back til late night. I had absolutely no idea what to do which made me cry even more. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Miss, its awful outside. Would you like to go some place better?" "Leave me alone! I don't want anyone right now!" I answered.

"I'm sorry but I will not leave you alone." The man answered.

I was partly glad he didn't leave because any crazy person could be around these streets being Houston, TX. Not a lot but still. Finally, I looked up. The man was wearing a beanie, hoodie, dark skinny jeans, jean jacket, a rain coat over the jean jacket and black combat boots.


Ooooooo. Stranger Danger! Lol. Well, yes again I post late. 1:51AM Texas time... So. I wanted to post it because since I havent been on Wattpad much I decided to look at yhe updated stories and stuff then I decided to look at my story(this story) and I had 103(I think) reads! THATS A LOT TO ME. SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH PEOPLE THAT READ THIS. I REALLY TRUELY DO APPRECIATE IT! I'll try to post more but my time is consumed mostly by school but anyways. Goodnight! So tired. I sleep at 11pm last night bc PLN. WHO WATCHED IT?! AWARDS?! WOOT WOOT! Lol. Well, follow me on Twitter: @samroyce__ and check out my other story on Instagram my page is: @forever_a_roycenatica thanks again guys! Love yall!

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