Chapter 28: Let Me Tell You

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I blinked a little and looked around, wondering where I was.

By the looks of it, I was in the hospital. White and boring walls surrounded me while the ugly tile floor was on the bottom. The ceiling was even worse.

I felt pain on the left side of my waist. Soon, memories of how I got that wound, flooded my mind.

The door slowly opened and in came a young guy. Royce

"Ouch oh my gosh ouch!" I tried moving but that only earned me more pain.

"Luz, you okay?" he rushed by my side and helped me.

"I'm perfectly fine" I gently felt around where the source of the pain came and it was bandaged up with stitches under but accidently brushed by Royce's hand. We locked eyes but then I turned away.

Royce took a seat next to the head of my bed and stared at me.

"Hey..." I greeted him. I put on my best smile.

"How do you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"You look perfectly fine through all this sh*t you've been through..."

"You know, a handsome somebody once said 'Live Life Smiling' and that's exactly what I'm doing" That earned me a really attractive smirk from him. He looked really tired, with bags under his eyes.

"Why are you all sad and depressed?" I gently put my hand on his arm and looked at him for once. We locked eyes again.

"This is hurting me more than you Luz, I really thought I'd loose you forever and I didn't even get to say or do any of the things I wanted with you and---"

"What did you wanna say and do to me?" I was really curious yet all these fireworks started going off in my stomach. Royce stared at me, thoughtful.

"That'll come in time. What happened after you left me?" Royce's eyes started getting watery.

"Ummm... Why?"

"Because I care about you. And you told me when you were about to die that you..." there was a long pause "Got raped by" I looked away and Royce continued "Sergio"

I closed my eyes for a bit.

"Hey It's a touchy subject so I'll---"

"No! Stay.." I abruptly grabbed his hand, pulling him back which caused me to yelp in pain because I leaned too much on my left side, where the stitches were.


"God! Are you okay Luz?!" Royce touched my forehead as if that would calm me down, which it did and I moved slightly to a more comfortable position.

"Lemme help" Royce said. He moved some pillows and finally I was comfortable.

"Thanks. Well let me tell you.... Sergio... He was already giving me these looks and flirting with me and all that crap. And I always told him I was your girlfriend but he never listened to me. And then... He did what be did" I looked at all the tubes in my arm and then saw Royce with tears streaming down his cheeks.


"And then I left back to Texas and Ana gave me all the support to restart my life"

Tears did come out but silently.

"What about the baby you lost? Was Sergio the dad?"

"No no. Of course not. That's another long story... After I finally got on my feet, I got a job working as the stylist of Enrique Iglesias only while he was in Texas. It still earned me pretty good money. Anyways, Enrique and I became really close friends. One day he came over and... I wouldn't call it a hook up but we did have... Sexual contact and one month later I find out that I'm pregnant..." Luz stopped and finally started crying.

Stand By Me: A Prince Royce FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora