Chapter 29: Teasing

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Hi yall! Lol yall are probably thinking "Why isn't Sam starting the fanfic ASAP?" and I made everything the same text so yall wouldn't skip this authors note *evil laugh*
What has brought me to do such evil thing? Well a lot of plagiarism... Yes guys, plagiarism... Its sad how even for fanfics some people suck at getting their own ideas. Wow. Anyways, I've seen this a lot recently and its getting on my last nerve. Usually I don't curse unless I'm really pissed but I won't do it here yet.
If I see you or another fanfic writer plagiarizing, I will not care and I will not have compassion for you, I will possibly cuss you off because this is just getting out of hand.
Us fanfic writers like @starstruckksoul , @angieroyce , and @nerdalertz and many other take days just to work on one chapter! Please stop this!!!
Okay now we may all go back to reading El Amor Que Perdimos
After Luz told me just about everything, I left and let Ana go in.
"How's she doing?" Carlito asked anxiously.
"Pretty good actually. You know Luz, always so strong..." I admired her for that and so much more.
"Thank the Lord! She's awake?"
"Yea. She actually looks fine"
"The best news I've heard today"
Carlito had bags under his eyes and he look really tired.
"Hey, why don't you go take a nap and I'll wake you up if we hear any other news" I offered Carlito.
"Hmmm... I really don't---"
"You need the rest. I don't want you scarying Luz because of how you look" I said joking around.
"Alright man uff" Carlito got comfortable on one of the couches in the waiting room and almost immediately went to sleep.
How did Luz know about Emeraude? Its not like I told her...
"What's up with you and Mr. Rojas over here?" I asked Luz jokingly.
I just had to ask since I was about to tell her about Carlito and I.
"What do you mean? We're just really close friends..."
"Mhmmm... Has he gon--"
"We did date for like a couple weeks but then I left"
"Do you still like him?"
"Ana its too soon to fall in love with all this sh*t that just happened to me"
"So you do still like him?"
She hoofed in defeat and stared at me.
"We... we kissed"
"Wait what...? I asked confused.
"Royce and I. While he was in here before you. We might have kissed... a little..." she continued.
"OMG LUZ ARE YOU FOR REAL?!" Luz shook her head yes "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" I started going crazy because if Luz fell in love maybe it could be a benifit for all of this. Maybe it could heal her in some type of way...
"Ana!!! Shhhhhhhh! The doctors are gonna kick you out pendeja!"
"I'm sorry but this is one of the best new I've received today!" Luz stared at me.
"What's wrong? You didn't like the kiss?"
"I loved it but... I don't know if I'm ready to like... Date again. You know? Fall in love again after all this"
"I totally get you girlie but give it time. You and Royce are really close friends and then maybe y'all can take it another step... Time is all you need. Just take it slow" I looked at her closely and she seemed to be analyzing what I just said.
"While you think about it I got some news of my own..."
"Really? What is it???" Luz asked
5 days later, the doctors let Luz go home. Her recooperation was going well.
"Holy sh*t guys we got a problem" Carlito came in the room looking more worried then ever. Royce and I helped Luz get out of bed. It still hurt her to get out a little.
"What happened Carlito?" I asked.
"The hospital lobby is full of reporters, paparazzi, rumor spreaders, you name it, their there. How the f*ck are we gonna get Luz out of here?"
"Isn't there a back door?" Royce asked.
"There everywhere. Literally. If ya don't believe me come see for yourself" Carlito waved his hand over to us, signaling to go look. Royce and I both went.
"Oh... My... God..." I whispered.
"We're never gonna get you" Royce said.
"Can't the doctors do sh*t?!" Carlito exclaimed.
"The doctors don't deal with this Carlito. Come on" We went back to Luz's side.
"There's no exit. We should wait til---"
"Let's go" Luz started getting back up.
"What?!" I asked.
"Let's go. I'm not waiting hasta que se les pege su chingada gana a esos reporters. I'm just not"
"You sure you wanna do this Luz?" I asked expecting Luz to change her mind.
"Yea let's go" Luz got up and Royce and I tried helping her but she kind of pushed us away.
"Cover yourself Royce" He put on the hoodie and lowered his head since he didn't have sunglasses.
They were everywhere. Literally. Hundreds of paparazzi scattered throughout the hospital lobby. And when they saw me, they all formed a circle and started following me out of the hospital.
Even more ridiculous questions.
"QUIEN ES EL MUCHACHO" A paparazzi asked with his filthy camera pointed towards Royce and I. Out of no where, a hand reached out and pulled Royce's hoodie off. Successfully.
"TIENEN ALGO LUZ?!" that question was repeated over and over a thousand times.
We finally made it out and Royce carried me the rest of the way to his car.
"I'll text Ana because pura gente metiche around here" he pulled out his phone and texted Ana.
"I'm taking the long way to your house. Mind???" He asked.
"Not really. I just wanna get home" I looked out the window and it was about to rain. It was pretty chilly too.
But it was the beginning of November.
"Finally feels good to see the sky and the grass and city life and all this" I said, not expecting an answer.
"Didn't Arturo take you out once in a while?"
"He had me basically stored in this big warehouse-like place. It wasn't scary but I didn't like it"
"Well your finally home, safe and sound" Royce reassured me.
"I'm really tired. Haven't been able to sleep well"
"Why not?"
"I just can't..." I hoped Royce understood.
"Is it because... the baby"
"The baby and other stuff"
"Feel free to talk to me whenever you want Luz" Royce looked at me since we were at a red light and took my hand.
Tears filled my eyes "How's it possible to love someone so much. And you haven't even had that person in your arms"
"Its very possible Luz. Its called mother love" Royce turned his look back to the road and I could hear that a few tears had come out. Silent tears, he probably thought, but I could clearly hear his sniffling.
"Or its called being a fangirl" I wiped my tears away.
Royce laughed and the atmosphere in the car was less depressing.
Finally, Royce got home. He was carrying Luz.
"Can you please take me to my room?" Luz asked.
"Let's eat first" I replied.
"I'm not hungry..." Luz drifted off.
"You gotta---"
"I'm just tired"
Everyone but Luz looked at each other worriedly. Then Carlito came in.
"Gosh it started pouring out there!"
"Here's a towel. Dry yourself up" I threw at towel at him and he took it.
"Food is almost ready" I said from the kitchen. We were at Luz's place to keep her company while she was getting better.
"Can I take a quick nap while the food is ready?" Luz asked.
"Sure! You okay?" I asked.
"Yea just need rest" Luz did look really tired.
"Okay. Come down when you wake up..." I said while she walked down the hall to her room.
As I walked down the hall into my room I could hear someone walking behnd me. No doubt about it, it was Royce. I walked into my room and crashed in my bed.
"Mind if I join?" Royce stood at the doorway looking perfect like always.
"Mmmmmm I guess..." I teased around.
"You know, pretty boys, like me, deserve to be with pretty girl, like you" Before crawling in bed with me, he started taking off his shoes.
I guess you could say, slowly but surely, Royce was helping me get over my past a bit. If you know what I mean...
"Wow! You are so..." I struggled to find a word.
"Beautiful? Gorgeous? Amazing?" Royce suggested.
"Okay now you're just a self-centered douche!" I hit him with a pillow and turned the opposite direction from him.
"How am I a douche?" He said snaking into my bed and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I call everyone that..." I replied.
"Its good to have you back, ya know?"
"Its good to be back, ya know?" I mocked. Royce chuckled and laidbhis hand om my shoulder.
"Te quiero mucho and I don't wanna rush things with you. I'll take it as slow as you need to" I thought about it for a minute...
"What if I don't need slow?" I asked and finally turned to face Royce.
"Why wouldn't you need slow? I don't want to make you uncomfortable..."
Holy sweet baby Jesus... His lips were like right in my face! 'Was he being a tease... OR NAH?!' I thought to myself.
"Stop it" I said.
"Stop what?" He looked guilty as f*ck but I wasn't buying it.
"You know what I mean" I looked down as my hands and started playing with his shirt.
"No I don't" He replied and I swear I could feel I smirk forming on his face.
"Okay Royce... Have it your way then..." I started going up his shirt until I reached skin. Then I started making circles around his neck. All at once Royce tenced up.
"Stop it you tease or I'll do the same" I gave him a little peck on the cheek and turned back around and fell asleep.


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