Chapter 9: The Start Of Something New

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*Luz's POV*

I woke up with a huge headache. And Royce was still awake! This dude would regret it later in the day.

"I hope you go some rest last night"

"Uhhhhh oops"

"What are you doing?"

"You won't believe it but I'm already starting on songs for my next album"

"What?! You're crazy. Have you finished one yet?"

"Yes! Only, I need the music to go along with it so I'll go to the studio later and see what magic Sergio and I can work on this baby"

"What time is it?"

"4:35am you should get more sleep. I'll be heading to the studio shortly"

"Can I see the song?"

Royce hesitated a little but finally agreed.

Hand on your hips as we dip

Now I'm trying to steal a kiss from your lips I can't quit

Love is in the air, it's not fair when you're movin

Diamonds in your hair catch the glare like a jewel in a flash of light

And it feels like I've been waiting all my life

But I need you tonight, yea

So many memories floaded my mind as I kept reading the lyrics. Some tears even started forming but you couldn't tell since Royce's room was dark as heck.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"What do you mean 'do I like it?' I LOVE IT!" I said giving him back his phone and wiping my eyes.

"Were you crying?"

"Why wouldn't I cry with those lyrics? They are beautiful but so many memories came to me"

"Good or bad?"

"Good. Overall I love that song. I think a nice, upbeat, young, danceable beat would go perfect with those lyrics"

"Come to the studio with me. I want to introduce you to everyone. Plus, you seem to know how to do all this. Please?!"

"Sure. Let me take a quick shower. How's the weather?"

"Cold. Very cold and its April"

"Wow. Okay, be right back"

I walked across the hall to my room and picked out an outfit.

"Don't go all out on your outfits. I know you and I don't want anyone stealing my princess" Royce said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Woooooow. So you want me going all ratchet to the studio? Messy bun, sweats, and a hoodie?"

"Sounds better than anything else!"

"Haha very funny. Tampoco!" I said turning to face him.

"But. Luz, I love you and I don't want anyone stealing you from me"

"Geoff, no ones gonna steal me from you. Ever! Not now, not in this lifetime, not ever. I love you! Geoffrey Royce Rojas!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

In a few minutes, my legs were around his waist and his hands were on my thighs. This wasn't a good idea but it was so pleasing. I didn't want to stop. Royce walked over to the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower.

"Royce, I love you. And one day I would love to show you but..."

"Shhhhhh! I'll be leaving now"

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