Chapter 26: La Triste Despedida

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The police separated Arturo and I.

"Arturo Franco, you are under arrest for Kidnapping, Murdering, Drug Dealing---" and the list was never ending. Turns out Arturo was one of the most wanted Narcos in the United States.

"I'm not done with you guys" Arturo gave me a glare and soon the screeching of more cars coming around the corner were audible.

Arturo gave a sinister smile.

"QUE ISISTE?!" Ana yelled at Arturo. She ran to him and kicked him where a guy should never be kicked. Unless its for a good reason.

Ana backed away and turned back to the cars. 2 cars parked in the alleyway, blocking our way out and 2 guys from each car came our way.

"Holy sh*t" I whispered.

The men all stood in a line in front of us. They all had guns.

The police officer let me go and pointed his gun to one of the guys.

Then the same guy pointed his gun and fired, killing the police officer.

You could hear Ana and Luz screaming.

"Callate!" Ana quickly took out her gun and shot and the next guy. Soon, it was war.


Luz and Royce were far from the shooting.

"We have to get Ana and Carlito and you and me out of here!" Luz whispered to Royce.

"I'm going out there!"

"NO!"Luz yelled but it was took late, Royce took off but Luz followed right after him.

"STOP NOW!!!" One of the narcos yelled.

Royce kept running.

Luz took a good look at the guy and noticed it was... BRYAN!!!

Bryan pointed the gun at Royce.

"NO!!!" Luz yelled and ran. She took the bullet that was meant for Royce...


All I heard was a gun being shot. I looked back and I couldn't believe it.

Luz was on the floor.

Immediately, I ran to her and kneeled by her side.

"Luz?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled at her.

"Royce I'm fine" she said calmly.

"OhMyGosh I'll get you up"

"No I'm fine I'll---" she pressed her hand to the side of her waist.

"Luz... Why are you---" Luz let go and blood spilled everywhere.


"Royce don't worry about me... I'm fine" Luz put her ha d on my chin and smiled calmly at me.

Tears filled my eyes and they started coming out.

"Royce, after all the bad past I've been through, I think that's enough for me. Just remember I've always loved you. And I left because... Segio, he raped me and I know it was selfish of me to leave you but..." Luz started crying too "I'll be watching over you" Luz kept that smile on her face.

"ANA CALL 911 NOW HURRY" all the bullets stopped, all the talking stopped, everyone stopped,time seemed to stop.

Luz looked tired but I knew if we didn't hurry up she would leave us. Forever.


So yea this is like Part 2 of Chapter 25.

DON'T CRY GUYS PLEASE!!! Jk this action sucked. Big time for me :(

But I had to update!

So... Nothing much to say... Luz is about to die :'(


I'm a freshie now :(


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