f o r t y t w o

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Song Of the Day: Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez.

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F o r t y t w o

Are you kidding me? Did you really hate me that much to put me through this- this madness? God, why would you do this?

"Hello," The girl in front of me said as she waved her hand and tried to snap me out of it. "My name is Flora, I said. And you are?"

I was utterly tempted to bring in my knowledge about Geography and say, 'Hello, my name is Fauna.' I held my enticing temptations within myself.

This was not the time to be weird, I decided.

"Hey," I said, forcing a smile on my face. "My name's Cadence, Cadence Brown."

She squealed loudly and clapped her hands energetically. I winced and put my hands n my ears, covering them from this utter torture in the form of a hyper, colourful rainbow. "Gadzooks! Are you really, now?"

Eh, what, girl?

"Noly's told me all about you!" She exclaimed and I coughed loudly at the nickname she used for Nolan. Noly, really? Idiot was far more better, indeed.

Sure he has.

"Flora, calm your nungas," Breckin said as he shot her a look. Flora glared at him and struck her elbow in his ribs and he groaned loudly, clutching his sides. "Be glad those weren't your deez nuts."

Breckin held his hand up and said, "Point made."

"How do you know British slangs?" I asked, confused. Her accent said another story. She sounded American, no wonder Nolan liked her.

"Oh don't be fooled by my accent, I am a British chica, born here and brought up in America," She said and giggled in a very girly way. "That's how I know Nolan, actually. I was best friends with Naomi before she- you know- went away."

She couldn't have put it more subtly.

I saw the uncomfortable looks on the guys' face and said, "Boys, I know all about Naomi, don't worry. He told me."

"Of course he did," Flora said, nodding her head and offering me a sad smile. "We all need someone to confide in, don't we? Nolan just found himself the greatest person he could find to share it with."

And that just got better, she's not even a person one could hate. How could I ever hate someone so kind to me? I was mentally hoping she would turn out to be a bitch to me so that at least I could have a reason to hate on her, but God definitely didn't hear me. Or maybe he did, but ignored like the rest of the world.

I smiled at her, forcingly rather, unable to form words for this reincarnation of rainbow in front of me.

"So how come you didn't talk to me and Nolan yesterday?" She asked suddenly.

I was tongue tied. "Uh-"

"She thought you were busy and didn't want to intrude," Breckin interrupted my little train of incoherent words and shot me sideways glance to agree.

"Hmm? Oh yes, I didn't want to intrude," I muttered through gritted teeth, a hollow burning building inside of my like lava. What was this that I was feeling? Jealousy? Was this jealousy? Was watching Nolan with another girl, a girl prettier than me at that, was it jealousy? Was I jealous? Jealous of this girl who resembled Rainbows and Sunshines and everything good in the world? I didn't know. But then an image of Nolan pushing the girl against the locker and snogging flashed in my mind. The hot lava started gushing out in the form of a volcano, a volcano I knew would do no one good around me. And suddenly I knew, I was jealous. Jealous of this girl wearing extremely bright colours, brighter than the sun, brighter than England's weather and definitely brighter for Nolan's life. She was kind for someone so beautiful and it came as a shock to me. Normally girls this pretty were proud about their looks, believing they were above everyone else, bringing everyone down with their words full of pride and their minds full of darkness, darkness nobody dared to invade. I never ever was jealous of anyone, and trust me when I say this, I mean it. I knew what I was, who I was and was happy, satisfied with myself. But suddenly, Nolan came into my life or rather barged into it with his unique sea green, deep eyes, probably deeper than the ocean, and claimed a huge chunk of my heart and bam! I started feeling as negative as jealousy and insecurity. Disgust fell over myself for my vile thoughts, unbelieving the bitter truth about myself and I definitely was anything but happy about it.

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