Chapter 4

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The red lights turn white again. I look behind me to see if Grayson is still chasing me. He isn't there anymore which allows me to calm down a little bit. I am still running because he could be playing games. 

One of the dining room doors open to my left. I sprint pass it ignoring whoever could have opened it. 

"STOP OR I WILL SHOOT!" A random voice yells. I stop running and place both hands in the air. I turn around to see one of the leaders holding a gun towards me. What the hell is going on?  

"The day has come, the day to end this disruptive section," he says to me with so much passion. I still do not know what the hell he is trying to say or what anything means. "Section A is the only section that shows no improvement or value to the system. Sorry it has to be this way."

I can feel it in my heart. He is going to shoot and I am going to die today. If I turn and run he will shoot. Maybe I can jump to the side and then turn and run? 

"UGH!" The man yells and shakes. His eyes widen as he drops onto his knees, then his stomach. I look up and see Grayson holding a weapon I have never seen before. He still points the gun towards me which is why I am so hesitant to move. If I die it would be so sad to die because of Grayson. 

He lowers his weapon and places it into his pocket. He puts his hands out and is starting to walk towards me. 

"Danielle, we need to talk okay," he says slowly like I am some sort of animal that cannot understand him. 

"What the hell is going on?" I ask knowing damn well I won't get the answers I want. 

"It is happening today. The end of Section A is happening and I wasn't told about this because she knew I would save you guys," he says still walking towards me. 

"What?" I ask. "The end of Section A?! What is that suppose to mean?"

"A mass killling," he says back. My heart drops. Is it to late? Is Dominic killed? Hunter?

"Danielle we have to get out of here quickly," he says to me grabbing my hand. I yank it back and look at him with anger. 

"You did this!" I yell. "I have to find Dominic!" 

"He was taken with all the other kids," he says which stops me from running deeper into the building. 

"Excuse me?!"

"They only wanted to kill 1-16, 2-16, 1-17, and 2-17." 

I can feel my stomach move up to my throat. I could possibly throw up right now. Hunter is in 1-17. What if he is dead? 

"Did they all die already?"

"I was observing our group shoot and two H.O.P.E staff came in and shot everyone except for me and that's when I knew it was happening. We don't have much time. They are going to know that one body is missing!"

"Hunter," I whisper. I can feel myself about to throw up. "I need to get Hunter!"

"Danielle," Grayson whispers. I can hear the pain in his voice. What he just witnessed is horrible especially since he is young but he could be lying. 

"You work for them Grayson! You knew this was going to happen so don't play innocent! You had a hand in this," I yell with slobber coming out of my mouth and tears rolling down my eyes. Hunter, the boy I grew up with was killed today because H.O.P.E did not see potential in us? 

I run pass Grayson towards the body he just shot down. I reach and grab the gun he was holding and point it at Grayson. 

"Danielle," he whispers. 

"Don't follow me!" I yell. I turn and continue to run down the hall towards the nearest exit. I can hear him following me which pisses me off but I do not want blood on my hands as well. I am not a murderer like he is but if it has to come down to it, I will do so. 

I open the door and step outside. Grayson grabs my arm. I turn around and look him in the eye. 

"I swear you better let go of me-"

"Or what? You'll shoot?" That comment shuts me up. If he kills me I will not be going down alone. 

"You can't just run out there. They are clean all the bodies and-"

"And I am just supposed to believe and trust you huh?" I interrupt him. "You knew damn well that this was going to happen. You knew that they were going to evacuate all the other groups so this mass murder can take place and you are asking me now whether or not I will shoot you!?" I yell. I am furious and I have no anchor to hold me back anymore. 

"Don't ever think that I will not shoot you because you knew that Hunter would die in there. YOU KNEW HE WAS GOING TO DIE!" I start to cry again. He lets go of me and allows me to run off. 

I exit and sprint off into the forest. Surprisingly I was not shot on my way to the forest. If only Hunter was here with me, running free. He was murdered for what!? He was doing well in all of the sessions, or at least that is what Sonia said..... SONIA! She knew for sure planned this and I will not put this to rest. If I see her I will not hesitate to shoot my gun. If I see another H.O.P.E organizer I will shoot and I will feel no remorse. 

For Hunter and all the innocent people killed today, I will get your revenge. I promise. 

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