Chapter 17

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He was shot multiple times. The sight of his eyes widening as he drops replays in my mind.

"NOOO!" I yell crying and slobbering. I start to kick around but I can free myself. "AHHHHH" I say with hurt in my voice.

"You did this Danielle," he says. "You gave him hope and he feed into it."

I continue to cry. It is getting harder to breathe watching his dead body lying 10 feet away from me. Everyone becomes silent again and the only thing making noise is me crying.

"None of you deserve to see your loved ones," I say looking at all of them stopping myself from crying. I take a deep breath and calm myself down.

"Sonia, I know you can hear me. How you are able to live with yourself is confusing to me. You have managed to kill so many people without actually pulling the trigger. You managed to manipulate so many people so magically and surprisingly so many people were dumb enough to fall for your tricks. I on the other hand is smart enough to see right through your imagine that you have built for yourself. You crave power and for you that means doing whatever it takes to get what you want, but what do you want? Whatever it is, you will not get it because, well, you lost already. If you manage to get me back I will kill you and when I do that will be when you have finally won."

No one response and I don't expect them too. They just sit their in silence. One of them is burying his head in his arms. I can hear him sob. 

The rude man stands back up and walks towards me. He points his gun back at me ready this time to pull the trigger.

I look him in the eyes with both fear and confidence. 

"Don't worry friend," I say to him. "I know how it feels like to lose." 

I shut my eyes and a gun was shot, but it wasn't his. I am still alive. 

I open my eyes and watch him stand in front of me. I look down and see his stomach bleeding. He drops his gun and places both hands on his stomach. He drops onto his knees, and the backwards onto the ground. 

I stand in shock. The other men look shocked too. Someone is behind this tree I am tied too. The man bleeding on the ground looks at me. 

"My boyfriend's name is Jason Pickerson. H-he isn't in the same-same section but h-he is out there. H-he cheated. I was an-angry." He looks up at the sky and takes his last breath. I watch his eyes close softly. 

I remain silent. How did I manage to stay alive? 

I can see someone pointing a gun at the two men in front of me but I can't turn my head back enough to see who it is. The person shoots the ground in front of them twice. They remain still. 

The person walks up to them with their hood on. They look down at the two of them and I watch as the person takes their ear pieces off. He turns them both off and walks over to the freshly dead body and turns off his ear piece as well. 

I still remain calm trying not to grab anymore attention to myself. My heart is racing and for some reason I feel like this person is Grayson. I start to tear up with the thought of him being alive. 

"Grayson?" I whisper. Tears rolling down my face with shock. 

The mystery person looks back at the two men. He throws their ear pieces back at them. 

"You are free to go but you have two options," the person says with a raspy voice. "You can go run back to Sonia or start your own life. Do not even think about following us or else  I will kill you like I killed him," he says pointing at the dead man on the ground. 

The two men get up and run away. The person looks back at me and walks up to me. I shift my head to the right. He cuts the ropes and frees me. I throw the ropes onto the ground. I step closer to the person in the hood.

He drops his head and I lift it up. I grab his hood and take it off. 

It's Grayson. 

"Oh Grayson," I say pouring my eyes out. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug. He pulls me in harder.

I look up at him as he still has his arms around me and I place my hands on his bruised face. He has a black eye and a swollen lip. 

"I know," he says to me with a disappointed face. 

"Thank you Grayson," I say to him. I place my head back on his shoulder.  

"I will always have your back. I always have and I always will," he says to me. 

I forget how feeling safe felt until this very moment. 

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